- P2P良性蠕虫P2P anti-worm
- 主动良性蠕虫active-benign worm
- 混合良性蠕虫hybrid-benign worm
- 分而治之的混合型良性蠕虫divide-and-rule-hybrid-benign worm
- 轻负载、速度快的良性蠕虫传播策略Strategy of fast and light-load friendly worm propagating
- 基于良性蠕虫的网络蠕虫主动遏制技术研究Friendly Worm Based Active Countermeasure Technology to Contain Network Worm
- P2P流P2P flow
- 蠕虫worm
- 纯P2PP2P
- 超级P2PSuper-P2P
- 良性发展benign development
- P2P网络P2P network
- P2P计算P2P computing
- 移动P2Pmobile P2P
- 他看着蠕虫慢慢往前爬。He watched the worm inch along.
- 良性互动good interaction
- P2P架构P2P architecture
- P2P下载P2P downloading
- 泥土中有许多蠕虫。There are a lot of worms in the soil.
- 走上良性发展的轨道going on the track of sound progress