- On rough subgroup of a group 关于一个群的粗糙子群
- It is proved that A is an intuitionistic fuzzy subset of a group G if and only if cut sets of A are subgroup of G. 最后,讨论了直觉模糊集截集与直觉模糊子群的关系,证明了A是群G的一个直觉模糊子群的充分必要条件是A的截集是G的一个子群。
- Thus a subgroup of a group is a subset on which the binary product and the unary operation of inversion satisfy the closure axiom. 所以群的子群是在其上二元乘法和一元逆运算满足闭包公理的子集。
- Legal action brings on behalf of a group of people. 代表一个集团进行的诉讼。
- The head of a monastery or a group of monasteries. 修道院名誉院长修道院或一组修道院的院长
- Legal action brought on behalf of a group of people. 代表一个集团进行的诉讼。
- Linear Fuzzy Subgroup of a Group 一个群的线性模糊子群
- Food issued or available to members of a group. 给粮发给或能发给集体成员的粮食
- The inhabitants of a city considered as a group. 全市居民被看作一个群体的一个城市的居住者
- The morphemes of a language considered as a group. 某一种语言词素的集合
- The director of a group of church singers. 唱诗班指挥一队教堂歌手的指挥
- The member of a group that is fourth in order. 在等级上位于第四的一组成员
- Will you go alone or as part of a group? 你是单独旅游还是随团呢?
- This car really comes into its own on rough ground. 这辆汽车在颠簸的路上才真正显示出它独特的性能。
- To be a member of a group,such as a club. 作为一个群体的成员,如一个俱乐部。
- The special jargon of a group;cant. 行语,同行语某一团体的特殊术语;黑话
- The book was printed on rough yellow paper. 这本书用粗糙的黄纸印刷。
- Shall we go alone or as part of a group? 我们单独去还是跟团体去。
- Covering the whole of a group of parts, etc. 包括一切的,总括的。
- Using some conjugate-permutable subgroups of a group and the minimal counterexample method,the nilpotency of finite groups is investigated. 利用群的某些共轭置换子群及极小阶反例法,研究了有限群的幂零性问题,并获得了一个群为幂零的若干充分条件。