- OLS估计OLS estimator
- OLS估计量OLS estimate
- 我们讨论是否OLS估计量满足渐近正态性。We are discussing whether OLS estimator satisfy asymptotic normality.
- 为了证明OLS估计量是渐近有效的,我们需要(1)给出一致的估计量但证明它有更大的方差。To prove that OLS estimators are asymptotically efficient, one needs to (1) present an estimator that is consistent but its variance is larger.
- 给出了平衡LS估计为无偏估计的充分必要条件,对于给定的L,适当地选择参数t可使平衡LS估计的均方误差矩阵小于OLS估计的均方误差矩阵.A necessary and sufficient condition for the unbiasedness of Balanced LS Estimation is gained, and for the given L, t can be chosen to make the MSEM of the Balanced LS Estimation less than that of OLS Estimation.
- 如果有人向我们提出一个线性无偏估计量,那我们就知道,此估计量的方差至少和OLS估计量的方差一样大。If we are presented with an estimator that is both linear and unbiased, then we know that the variance of this estimator is at least as large as that from OLS.
- 那里食道癌发病率估计相当高。There the incidence of the cancer of the esophagus was suspected to be pretty high.
- 估计她成功的机会evaluate her chances of success
- OLSOLS (ordinary least squares analysis)
- 据我估计,百分之五的学生不能通过这次考试。By my calculation, 5%25 of the students will fail in the exam.
- OLS回归OLS regression
- 为什么这些同志作出这种不妥当的估计呢?Why do these comrades make such an unsound appraisal?
- 错误地估计某人的力量to mistake someone's strength
- 他们估计距离为5英里。They approximated the distance at five miles.
- OLS回归斜率the slope of OLS
- M-估计M-estimate
- 估计小钱要和我一道去。Xiao Qian is supposed to be going with me.