- OA如何与管理结合How could OA system combine with management
- 如何what
- 平衡计分卡将组织的战略与绩效管理结合起来。The BSC system combines the organization strategy with the performance management.
- 资源管理器explorer
- 艺术行销是将行销的概念与艺术管理结合,针对不同的群众设计不同的行销策略。Art marketing is the joining together of the concept of marketing with art management so that customized marketing strategies may be devised for different needs.
- 经验不是发生在你身上的事情;而是你如何与之发生关系。Experience is not what happens to you; it's what you do with what happens to you.
- 企业管理business management
- 质量管理quality control
- 生产管理plant supervision
- 事物和地点:心理是如何与外界联系的Things and Places: How the Mind Connects with the World
- 有关如何与我们携手合作的详细事宜,请与离您最近的新西兰旅游局办事处联系。Please feel free to contact your nearest Tourism New Zealand office for more information on how we might work together.
- 为了实现四个现代化,我们所有的企业必须毫无例外地实行民主管理,使集中领导和民主管理结合起来。In order to accomplish the four modernizations,all our enterprises,without exception,must adopt democratic forms of management,combining them with centralized leadership.
- 一个好的演说者知道如何与听众沟通。A good speaker knows how to put himself across to his audience.
- 适应变革的时代:领导与管理的结合To be Adapted to the Changing Era: A Combination of Leadership and Management
- 这里将展示大沙粒如何与较小沙粒分离。Here's a way to show how large grains separate from smaller grains.
- 为了加强增值税的征收与管理,我国政府实施了金税工程。For strengthenning collecting and management of the added value tax, our country government carried out the gold tax engineering.
- 他将考虑如何与那位新来的人处理好关系。He will consider how to get on well with the new comer.
- 飞行员医学失能风险的评估与管理策略--1%法则的建立与发展Absolute risk assessment and management strategy in aviation certification--developing the 1%25 rule
- 找出你的网站流量如何与所有竞争者竞争。Find out how your web site traffic stacks up against all your competitors!
- 资源环境城乡区域规划与管理专业(土地管理与房地产开发方向)Resource, Environment and City- Rural Planning and Management (Land Management and Real Estate Development)