- Has taken part in the assessment of the Liuku Reservoir of Nujiang River (mainly the zoobenthos). 曾参与建设怒江六库水电站的环境评估,负责部分。
- Nu here, the Tibetan Nenggeshanwu, the Nujiang River is a land of song and dance. 这里的怒族、藏族能歌善舞,是怒江的歌舞之乡。
- Comparised with ichthyofaunas of neighboring water system, the ichthyofauna of Dulong watershed is closer with that of Nujiang River. 对独龙江鱼类区系与其相邻水系的鱼类区系进行比较分析,认为独龙江水系的鱼类区系与怒江水系的鱼类区系有着更近的渊缘关系。
- Nujiang River valley is one of the poorest areas in China and also the vulnerability of eco-geological environment areas. 摘要怒江峡谷是我国最为贫困的地区之一,也是生态地质环境极为脆弱的地区。
- The ecological impacts of the Nujiang River hydropower development have been intensively debated in China in recent years. 开发蕴藏丰富的怒江水电资源在全国能源格局中占据重要地位。
- Rising in the Danggula Mountains, the Nujiang River passes through China's Tibet and Yunnan, Myanmar, and eventually flows into the Indian Ocean. 怒江自然景观奇特壮丽,区域内自西向东相间并列着担打力卡山、独龙江、高黎贡山、怒江、碧罗雪山、澜沧江、云岭山脉。
- The Nujiang River is rich in water resources on which the economic development and the poverty-eradication of Nujiang Prefecture rely. 怒江可供开发的水能资源十分丰富,不开发,怒江州的经济就不能发展,人民就不能脱贫致富。
- The arid valleys of the Hengduan Mountainous Region consist of the valleys of the Minjiang River, the Dadu River, the Anning River, the Yalong River, the Jinsha River, the Lancang River, the Nujiang River and their tributaries. 横断山区干旱河谷有四类,即干热河谷、干暖河谷、干温河谷和干凉河谷。
- Since the beginning of current Century, there has been a great discussion about the issues of active role of hydropower development in the social-economic development in the Nujiang river basin. 摘要从本世纪初开始,围绕开发水能资源促进怒江流域地区经济社会发展等问题曾引发了一场大讨论。
- Compared with China's12 big hydropower bases, the technical exploitable capacity of the Nujiang River Hydropower Base ranks the sixth, but its exploitable capacity to be developed ranks the second. 与以前提出的十二大水电基地相比,其技术可开发容量居第六位,待开发的可开发容量居第二位。
- Feasibility studies will be made if there is a need to divert water from Lancang and Nujiang rivers in the future. 大西线南水北调只是设想,将来需要从澜沧江、怒江等调水时,另做可行性报告。
- The Three Rivers Drainage Basins, including Jinsha River, Lanchang River and Nujiang River in eastern Tibetan, are the main compositions of River Source and Ecological Source. 金沙江、澜沧江和怒江是藏东地区著名的国际性大河,"三江"流域作为"江河源"、"生态源"的重要组成部分,它的生态环境变化对当地乃至周边地区都有着重大影响。
- Nujiang River,the lost ecological river 怒江:最后的生态江河
- Glaciers in Himalaya feed many large rivers in Asia such as Ganges, Indian River, Brahmaputra River, Mekong River, Nujiang River, Yangtse River and Yellow River, all of which guarantee the living water supply for a population of billions. 喜马拉雅山的冰山是亚洲许多大河的水源,包括恒河,印度河,布拉马普特拉河、眉公河、怒江、长江和黄河,这些河流保障了数亿人口生活用水的需求。
- The Himalayan ice cap is the fountain of many Asian rivers, including Ganges River, Indus River, Brahmaputra River, Mekong River, Nujiang River, Yangtze River and Yellow River, which guarantee the domestic water supply to hundreds of millions of people. 喜马拉雅山的冰山是亚洲许多大河的水源,包括恒河,印度河,布拉马普特拉河、湄公河、怒江、长江和黄河,这些河流保障了数亿人口生活用水的需求。
- Hydyopower development of Nujiang River 怒江水电开发
- The river had worn a ravine between the hills. 那条河在两山之间已造成一个深谷。
- Can we dredge the river to make it deeper? 我们能不能把这条河疏浚得深一点?
- Navigation is difficult on this river because of the hidden rocks. 因为河上有暗礁,所以在这条河上航行很困难。