- Norditropin has receied orphan drug designation for the treatment of short stature associated with Noonan syndrome. 诺和诺德已经获得“孤儿药”指定,以治疗努南综合症引发的儿童身材矮小。
- Noonan Syndrome (NS) is a relatively common congenital genetic condition which affects both males and females. 什么是'努南综合征-遗传多系统疾病与心脏疾病,学习问题和不正常的面部特征'?
- Noonan syndrome is classified as a rare condition with a population of less than 200,000. 努南综合症累及人数低于20万,故归属罕见病症。
- Howeer, fetal loss can occur in Noonan syndrome so actual incidence of the disorder may be higher than its prealence. 然而,努南综合症患儿可能夭折,因此此病的实际发生率将比其患病率高。
- Up to 80 percent of children with Noonan syndrome suffer from significant short stature. 80%25努南综合症患儿表现明显的身材矮小。
- There is no specific pharmacologic therapy currently aailable, and treatment for Noonan syndrome focuses on its clinical features and complications. 目前尚无特定的药理治疗可用,努南综合症的治疗集中在其临床特征及并发症。
- Noonan syndrome is defined as an autosomal dominant genetic syndrome commonly characterized by short stature, congenital heart defects, and unique facial features. 努南综合症被定义为一种常染色体显性的遗传性综合症,其一般特征为身材矮小、先天性心脏缺损、以及独特的面部特征。
- The prealence of Noonan syndrome has not been determined accurately to date, but most authors report 1 in 1,000 - 2,500 lie births, affecting males and females equally. 直至今日,努南综合症的患病率尚未准确测得,但大多数作者的报告是在1000到2500名活产儿中即有一例,男女患病机率相等。
- We report a female patient of Noonan syndrome and describe the technique of correction.We also discuss a number of major procedures described in the literatures. 我们在此报告一例以手术治疗奴南氏症蹼状颈之经验,叙述其治疗之方法,并藉文献之回顾,对不同之手术方法做一比较。
- Sick building syndrome is a disease of our time. 办公大楼病症候群徵是一种现代病。
- noonan syndrome 努南综合征(假特纳综合征)
- Noonan watched as the same whale set the same trap again and again. 诺南注意到同一头鲸一再设相同的圈套。
- In those situations, savant syndrome may appear. 在这些情况下,学者症候群就可能出现。
- The spots on his throat are part of a syndrome. 他嗓子里的红斑是一种综合征的部分症状。
- This word possesses a syndrome of meanings. 这个词有多种含义。
- Sometimes l wish my wife had Goldfield Syndrome. 有时候我真希望我老婆有金氏综合症。
- Muhammad Ali is up against Parkinson's Syndrome. 穆哈迈德·阿里正在遭受震颤性麻痹综合症的折磨。
- Of or relating to Down syndrome. 唐氏综合症,蒙古症唐氏综合症或与之有关的
- The reason is: MINORITY SYNDROME. 答案是:少数民族心态。
- A person affected with Down syndrome. 患唐氏综合症的人