- He tops the rest in scholarship. 他的学识超过其他人。
- Empire State Buildi ng in New York City. 纽约帝国大厦。
- He doveted his life in scholarship. 他一生致力于作学问。
- Ng In Scholarship 吴衍奖学金
- It was apparent, however, that Steve was lacking in scholarship. 一望而知,史提夫对学问没有兴趣。
- Later Ruskin went to Oxford and distinguished himself in scholarship. 后来罗斯金就读于牛津大学,以学识卓越见称。
- Resu lt Carrying out a series of innovational education measures through teachi ng in person. 结果:结合本人教学实际实施了一系列创新教育措施,提高了政治课堂教学效果。
- A person who stops after getting a little knowledge of a subject can't engage in scholarship. 浅尝辄止的人是无法做学问的。
- How to encourage artist to take part in scholarship activities without worrying loss of talented people. 如何既鼓励了艺术精英参加社会和学术活动又不会流失艺术人才。
- But the estrogen and progesterone secretions both increased in a dose dependent manner when the granulosa cells were treated with l NG in the presence of FSH. 在与促卵泡素合并处理时,颗粒细胞雌二醇、孕酮的分泌量随着左旋十八甲基炔诺酮浓度的增加而增加。
- The flagpoles and inscribed tablets speak to family members' success in scholarship and business. 从旗杆与匾额可以看出这个家族的先人中,多人曾有过显赫的功名。
- Before that, Andrew Law was a partner of the law firm Fong &Ng in association with Goodman Phillips &Vineberg, as Head of its Information Technology Law Practice Group. 一九九九年八月至二零零零年底,罗先生是“方和,吴正和”律师行合夥人,及其“ 资讯科技法律部 ”主管。
- It demonstrates the importance of the gov er nance transparency for the individual rights for life, for the "consent" buildi ng in the society and the legitimacy of a government. 政府信息透明度对于公民的生命权、社会一致同意和政府合法性具有重要意义。
- The book to uses Fang Henshao, hoped that you can put behind the honor, starts from zero beginning, the steadfast ground class, engages in scholarship, the growth. 书到用时方恨少啊,希望你们能忘却荣誉,从零起点开始,踏踏实实地上课、做学问、成长。”
- Mary is bearing down in her studies to win a scholarship. 为了获得奖学金,玛丽正在加倍努力学习。
- Chinese dynasty (1368-1644) noted for its flourishing foreign trade, achievements in scholarship, and development of the arts, especially in porcelain, textiles, and painting. 明朝:中国一王朝(1368-1644年),以其繁荣的外贸、卓著的学术成就、艺术的发展,尤其在瓷器、纺织和绘画上的发展而著称
- NG in my book. 我不这么认为。
- I supplement my scholarship by working in the evening. 我除了享受奖学金外还打夜工以增加收入。
- The paper describes the important role of logistics cost accounti ng in logistics management, analyzes the main problems existing in present logis tics cost accounting and discusses how to strengthen the cost accounting. 阐述了物流成本会计核算在物流管理中的重要作用,分析了目前物流成本会计核算方面存在的主要问题,并就如何加强物流成本会计核算和管理进行了探讨。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。