- Naval Intelligence Officer Course 海军情报军官课程
- She immediately called an officer at the Naval Intelligence Service, who in turn contacted the FBI. 她立即打电话给海军情报机构的一名官员,这名官员接着便与联邦调查局取得了联系
- Naval Intelligence Officer 海军情报官
- She immediately called an officer at the Naval Intelligence Service,who in turn contacted the FBI. 她立即打电话给海军情报机构的一名官员,这名官员接着便与联邦调查局取得了联系。
- At dusk, an intelligence officer arrived with news. 黄昏时,一个情报军官送来新消息。
- Later, Vandervoot's intelligence officer interrogated prisoners. 后来,万德沃中校的情报军官审讯战俘。
- This information provided British Naval intelligence with what it needed to crack the German cryptology system. 英国海军情报机构要想获得情报的话就必须破译德国人的密码系统。
- Ten minutes later, the coffee and Commander Dana of Naval Intelligence arrived simultaneously. 十分钟后,在海军情报司令达纳到达的同时,咖啡也送来了。
- He had interviewed individuals in Soviet agencies, Israeli intelligence, our own CIA, NSA, and Naval Intelligence organizations. 他采访了在苏联办事处的一些人,在以色列的情报人员,我们自己的中情局,国安局和海军情报组织。
- Meanwhile, the German and British Naval Intelligence code intercepting service were busy deciphering each other's radio messages. 同时,德国和英国的海军密码情报机构繁忙地解密对方的无线电信息。
- But it is Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Devoe, an intelligence officer with the U.S. 但为找回核子弹头,两人只好克服歧见,完成调查。
- A dead drop avoids the need for an intelligence officer and a spy to be present at the same time. 交换情报的秘点使得情报员和间谍不用同时露面。
- Luciano was transferred to a less harsh prison and began to be visited by representatives of the Office of Naval Intelligence and from underworld figures, such as Meyer Lansky. Luciano被转移到一个叫偏的监狱,并受到海军情报办公室代表以及黑帮分子,例如MeyerLansky的拜访。
- In the First World War, a British divisional intelligence officer on the Western Front built a home from home. 第一次世界大战期间,西部战线英军一个师有一名情报员,在异乡建立了他的家。
- We knew of his brief career as an intelligence officer and of his friendship with the convicted English diplomat and spy {or Russia, Kim Philby. 我们了解他的简短情报官生涯,以及他与被判罪的英国外交官、当俄国间谍的吉姆·菲尔比之间的友情。
- Foreign Officer Naval Intelligence Course 外国军官海军情报课程
- Naval Intelligence Liaison Officer 海军情报联络官
- In North Africa in January 1943, the intelligence officer of the 10th Panzer Division reported on a "new American antitank weapon". 一九四三年一月,驻北非的第十装甲师的情报官报告了“美国的一种新式反坦克武器”。
- Putin, Yeltsin’s successor, who spent the perestroika years seething with resentment as an intelligence officer in East Germany, saw it differently. 叶利钦推行改革之时,身为特工的普京正在东德执行任务,他对所谓的改革满腔怒火。
- Wounded in France in the first world war, he became an intelligence officer in Tangier in 1942-43 and helped prepare the ground for the Allied landing in north Africa. 第一次世界大战期间他在法国负伤,1942年到1943年间他成为了一位在丹吉尔任职的情报官员并为盟军在北非的登陆作战出谋划策。