- NGW型行星减速器NGW-type planetary speed reducer
- NGW型行星齿轮传动机构NGW planetary gear drive mechanism
- 双级NGW型行星轮系的优化设计Optimal design of NGW type two-stage epicyclic gear train
- NGW行星减速器NGW planetary reducer
- 型的thysanuriform
- 双级NGW行星减速器的优化设计Optimization Design of 2 Step NGW Type Planetary Gear Reducer
- 木星型行星jovian planets
- 外型exterior
- 行星planet
- 户型house type
- 笔型pen type
- 选型lectotype
- 二级行星减速器多目标优化设计研究Study of multi-object optimum design for double-stage planetary reducer
- 整型integer
- 运动型motile
- 行星减速器planetary reduction gear
- 小型汽车roadlouse
- NGW行星齿轮NGW planet gear
- 基因型genotype
- 表型phenotype