- With these spatial signatures we can design a specific beamformer for each user in order to combat the external and multiple access interference. 利用估计得到的空间特征我们可以为每一个系统用户设计特定的波束形成器,该波束形成器能够同时抑制系统中存在的外部干扰和多址干扰。
- The capacity and performance of a DS-CDMA system is greatly limited by Multiple Access Interference(MAI) and therefore many multiuser detection algorithms have been proposed. 在直序扩频码分多址(DS-CDMA)系统中,多址干扰(MAI)极大地制约系统容量及性能。
- Through research on the operation principle of FFH-OCDMA and TCM,a novel en-decoder scheme of OCDMA is proposed in this paper to reduce multiple access interference in OCDMA system. 在研究了快速跳频光码分多址(OCDMA)编/解码原理的基础上,引入了网格编码调制编码增益高的优点,设计了一种新的OCDMA编/解码方案,此方案能有效降低系统中的多用户干扰。
- Through proper manage of the PN codes, the number of random competition collisions reduces greatly, the Multiple Access Interference (MAI) de-creases, and the code resources are saved. 该协议基于分布队列及冲突解决算法,通过对PN码字的有序管理,从而大大减少随机竞争的冲突,降低多址接入干扰,节省PN码码资源。
- To suppress Multiuser Access Interference (MAI), a Projection-based Auxiliary Vector (PAV) algorithm is proposed. 为了抑制多址干扰(MAI),提出一种基于投影的辅助矢量(PAV)算法。
- multiple access interference cancellation 多址干扰抑制
- multiple access interference (MAI) 多址干扰
- multiple access interference(MAI) 多址干扰
- MAI (multiple access interference) 多址干扰
- But there are a lot of questions in DS-CDMA satellite communication system, such as the fading of received signal, the multiple access interference (MAI), large Doppler frequency offset, the CW and narrow band interferences in channel and so on. 但是,在DS-CDMA小卫星通信系统中,亦存在如下问题:如接收信号的衰落、多址干扰(MAI) 、大的多普勒频移、信道中的连续波(CW)及窄带干扰等。
- MAI (mutiple access interference) 多址干扰
- multiuer access interference (MAI) 多址干扰
- Multi - access interference ( MAI ) 多用户干扰
- Estimate of Signal Parameter for Multiple Access Interference in DSCDMA Systems 直接序列扩频码分多址系统多址干扰的最大似然联合估计
- Optical code division multiple access systems and multiple access interference 光码分多址系统及其多用户干扰
- He is the person with multiple injuries. 他就是那个多处受伤的人。
- Students must have access to a good library. 学生要有使用好图书馆的便利条件。
- Friendship multiple joy and divide grieve. 朋友之间,欢乐同享,苦难同当。
- He was denied access to the Queen. 他未被准许接近女王。
- We use the hall for multiple purposes. 这个大厅我们派多种用途。