- Ms7.9地震Ms7.9 earthquake
- 巴林左旗Ms5.9地震Balinzuoqi Ms.5.9 earthquake
- 甘肃景泰MS5.9地震前后小地震视应力计算讨论Discussion on apparent stress of small earthquakes before and after Jingtai earthquake with MS 5.9 In Gansu Province
- 阳江Ms4.9地震Yangjiang earthquake (Ms4.9)
- 新疆于田Ms7.3地震Yutian MsT. 3 earthquake
- 智利北部近海和所罗门群岛先后发生Ms7.7以上大地震,时间仅相隔半月。Great earthquakes of Ms>7. 7 successively occurred off the coast north of Chile and in the Solomon Islands.
- 拨9可接通外线。Dial 9 to get an outside line.
- 地震使大地颤动。The earthquake thrilled the land.
- 以4乘9。to multiply 9 by 4 .
- 3自乘得9。3 squared is nine .
- 地震时地面震动。The ground vibrated during the earthquake.
- 我的毛衣是9号的。My sweater is size 9.
- 那次地震造成了可怕的毁坏。The earthquake caused terrible havoc.
- 9除以3等于3.9 over 3 is 3.
- 日本常发生地震。Japan is subject to earthquakes.
- 9减3等于6Nine minus three is six.
- 地震震动房屋。The earthquake rocked the houses.
- 她将近9岁。She is rising nine.
- 地震时,我们的地窖塌陷了。Our cellar caved during the earthquake.
- 加薪 9%a 9%25 salary increase