- Am binding inhibitor in someselected brain regions of chronic morphine dependent rats at different time-points. 地西泮结合抑制因子基因在慢性吗啡依赖大鼠部分脑区。
- Method: Abstinence syndrome of morphine dependent rats and the treatment effect of Bup were observed. 方法··:观察吗啡戒断及经丁丙诺啡治疗大鼠的戒断体征 ;
- Objective:To study the effects of Qingfeng capsule on anxious behavior in morphine dependent rats. 目的:评价清风胶囊对吗啡依赖大鼠戒断后焦虑行为的影响作用。
- Aim To investigate the effect of administration route on dynorphin A 1 13 (Dyn) inhibiting the withdrawal symptoms of morphine dependent rats. 目的 研究不同给药途径对强啡肽A1 13 (Dyn)抑制吗啡依赖戒断症状的影响。
- Objective To determine the effect of purine bases and purine nucleosides on thermo-pain threshold and acute withdrawal in morphine dependent rats. 摘要目的:研究嘌呤碱基与嘌呤核苷对吗啡依赖大鼠的热痛阈与急性戒断的影响。
- Objective:To investigate the effect of purine nucleotides on pain threshold and acute withdrawal symptoms in morphine dependent rats. 目的:探讨嘌呤核苷酸对吗啡依赖大鼠痛阈及急性戒断症状的影响。
- The changes of ACTH cells in the pars distail hypopysis on the morphine dependent rats and the abstinent rats and the positive control rats were studied by immunohistochemistry. 用免疫组织化学方法观察吗啡依赖大鼠 ,IVC戒断大鼠和 IVC正常大鼠垂体远侧部 TSH细胞的变化。
- AIM: To observe the changes of neurokinin B(NKB) and neuropeptide Y (NPY) in the hippocampus CA4 region of morphine dependent rats, and investigate its pathogenesis. 目的:观察吗啡依赖性大鼠海马CA4区神经激肽B及神经肽Y细胞的变化,探讨其发病机制。方法:用皮下注射吗啡法建立雄性大鼠吗啡依赖模型。
- Abstract: Objective To determine the effect of purine bases and purine nucleosides on thermo-pain threshold and acute withdrawal in morphine dependent rats. 文章摘要: 目的:研究嘌呤碱基与嘌呤核苷对吗啡依赖大鼠的热痛闭与急性戒断的影响。
- AIM: To investigate the change of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) cells and thyroid- stimulating hormone(wn) cells of pars distalls of pituitary gland of morphine dependent dependent rats and its restoration after withdrawal. 目的:观察吗啡依赖大鼠及戒断大鼠垂体远侧部促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)细胞和甲状腺刺激激素(TSH)细胞的变化。
- Gi_2 proteins in chronic morphine dependent group and chronic abstinence group were significantly decreased in nucleus accumbens (P<0.01) and significantly increased in locus coeruleus (P<0.05) compared with that of chronic control group. 慢性吗啡依赖组和戒断组与慢性空白对照组比较;NAc区Gi2蛋白水平明显降低(P<0·01);LC区Gi2蛋白水平明显升高(P<0·01)。
- The increasing trend was a little descending after stopping administration for 7days, but still kept in higher level. The level of eNOS in kidney of morphine dependent rats showed different changes at varied degree. 最后我们得出,吗啡依赖可以引起大鼠肾组织病理损伤,吗啡大鼠肾内eNOS 表达发生变化,AQP1 表达不受影响。
- Bup could inhibit the abstinence syndrome effectively; the level of the pituitary glands POMC-mRNA dropped both in morphine dependent rats and abstinence rats, which was slightly influenced by Bup. ··:丁丙诺啡能有效减轻或消除戒断体征,吗啡依赖及戒断时大鼠垂体POMC -mRNA含量下降,丁丙诺啡对其影响不大。
- Methods The morphine dependent model of male rats was made by subcutaneous injection of morphine.The changes of enzymohistochemistry of the kidney were studied by histochemistry and image analysis. 方法皮下注射吗啡建立吗啡依赖大鼠模型,用组织化学和图像分析技术观察肾脏酶组织化学的变化。
- MSFD exerts an effect on morphine dependence and withdrawal, and MSFD combined with Bup shows a better effect. MSFD具有一定的戒毒治疗作用 ,MSFD联合Bup治疗 ,戒毒作用加强。
- MethodsThe conditioned place aversion (CPA) was used to establish the negative affection induced by withdrawal from acute morphine dependence in rats. 方法以条件性位置厌恶(CPA)实验建立急性吗啡依赖大鼠戒断性情绪反应模型,观察大鼠训练前后在“纳络酮匹配侧”停留时间的变化。
- Conclusion: Acupuncture therapy may inhibit morphine dependence and has a potential intervention effect on relapse behavior. 结论:针刺具有抑制吗啡依赖性,对复吸行为具有潜在的干预作用。
- Previous studies showed agmatine, an endogenous I1-imidazoline receptor ligand, prevents morphine dependence, but the mechanism remains unclear. 尽管以前研究表明胍丁胺能够抑制吗啡依赖,但其作用机制尚不明确。
- Objective This study was to explore the possible effect of stress and glucocorticoids on the drug-seeking behavior in mice with morphine dependence. 目的探讨应激和糖皮质激素在发生药物依赖行为中的作用机制。
- Conclusion Morphine dependence forming process is related to several experimental factors, including different dosage, different time, constant dose, and increased dose. 结论不同给药剂量、不同给药时间、恒量给药和递增给药对吗啡依赖的形成均有明显的影响。