- Hotbed and Center: Gannan's Position in Hakka Family in the South Song and Mid Ming Dynasty 温床与中枢:南宋与明中叶赣南在客家民系中的地位
- Ming dynasty's south song 明代南曲
- People"s lishu aesthetic standards and practice achievement of Song dynasty are totally different with Yuan dynasty"s and Ming dynasty"s. 宋人的隶书审美观念及实践成果与元、明人的完全不同,不可并列而论。
- People’s lishu aesthetic standards and practice achievement of Song dynasty are totally different with Yuan dynasty’s and Ming dynasty’s . 宋人的隶书审美观念及实践成果与元、明人的完全不同,不可并列而论。
- The pagoda built in the Ming Dynasty is still in good repair. 建于明代的那座塔现在还完好无损。
- Why Song Lian Failed to Turn out Masterpieces after Entering the Ming Dynasty? 宋濂入明后为何难有杰出作品?
- In the opera,Shi Kefa was the only hope to the save weaken South Ming Dynasty. 在剧中,南明残破江山能依赖的只有史可法。
- By correcting the uncultured style and keeping true qualities of lyrics, Zhou"s innovation improved the status of lyrics and prepared for the Refinement Movement in the south Song Dynasty. 这种革新保持了词的本色并在一定程度上提高了词的地位,纠正了北宋中后期文人俗词的粗疏之风,为南宋初声势浩大的宋词复雅运动开了先河。
- Income and outgo of Ming Dynasty’s officers was severely unbalanced, 3. 2、明代官员的收支严重失衡;
- Confucianism in the Song and Ming dynasties. 理学
- Ming Dynasty furniture comes in many forms. 明式家具品种繁多,
- The custom took its rise from Ming dynasty. 这种风俗起源于明代。
- The city of Beijing dates back to the Ming Dynasty. 北京城的建造可追溯到明代。
- First Emperor of the Ming dynasty. 明代第一任皇帝。
- Jiang Kui, a famous litterateur in South Song Dynasty who was accomplished in Ci. 摘要南宋文学家姜夔擅长诗词,诗风清妙秀远,时有名句佳作。
- The eastern end of the Ming Dynasty Great Wall? 是不是明长城东边的起点啊?
- Xixuejiyanxumu, which was written by Ye Shi, was an important academic work in the South Song Dynasty. 叶适《习学记言序目》是南宋时期重要的思想学术史著作。
- It was built in the Ming Dynasty. 它在明朝建造的。
- How many tomb areas does the Ming Dynasty have? 明朝的皇陵共有几处?
- Yes. It was built in the Ming Dynasty. 韩佳:对啊。它是在明代的时候建造的。