- Maoro Giuliani 朱利亚尼
- Giuliani: We're as prepared as we can be. 朱利安:我们会全力以赴做好准备的。
- Mr Giuliani has done woefully in the early states. 朱利安尼先生在早期的几个州做得很糟糕。
- "I think he [had] better stop swinging at shadows," Giuliani said. 朱利亚尼说,“我想他最好别再捕风捉影。”
- Mr Giuliani also seems unprepared for a national campaign. 朱利安尼同样也没有准备好全国竞选。
- Social conservatives are a big problem for Mr Giuliani. 保守派对朱利亚尼是个极其棘手的问题。
- If Mr Giuliani fizzles, Mr Bloomberg is a likely beneficiary. 如果朱利安尼先生失败了,布隆伯格先生就是一个可能的受益者。
- If Mr Giuliani stumbles, Mr Romney is the most likely beneficiary. 如果朱利安尼摔了跟头,罗姆尼将会使最大的受益者。
- Rudy Giuliani led the national polls for months only to implode. RudyGiuliani领导的为期数月的全国性选举投票就是为了使党员们团结起来。
- And Mr Giuliani is far more bellicose than any other candidate. 朱利安尼先生比其它任何候选人都好斗得多。
- Like Mr Giuliani, Mr Bloomberg is fiscally conservative and socially liberal. 和朱利安尼先生一样,布隆伯格先生也是个财政保守派和社会自由主义者。
- Rudy Giuliani disdained cosmopoli-tans at the Republican convention. 朱良尼在共和党大会中对世界主义者嗤之以鼻。
- D'Amato put up an unqualified candidate against Giuliani in the Republican primary, millionaire Ronald Lauder, solely for the purpose of using Lauder as a conduit for throwing mud at Giuliani in the hope that some of it would stick. 达马托抬出一资格不够的候选人——百万富翁劳德——在共和党初选中与朱利亚尼对抗,完全是为了利用劳德来抹黑朱利亚尼,希望抹黑能收到一些效果。
- Rudy Giuliani is well ahead of him in national polls, and Mitt Romney is trouncing him in Iowa and New Hampshire. 在全国的民意调查中,鲁迪朱利安尼遥遥领先于他,而就算在爱荷华以及汉普郡两州,他也未能敌过米特罗慕尼。
- Giuliani liked him and then with that tragic event, he was asked to sing a song and moved all of America. 在悲剧发生后,朱利亚尼欣赏他,叫他唱出那首感动全美的歌。
- Mr Giuliani may be weak in the early-voting states, but he leads national polls of Republican voters, albeit increasingly narrowly. 朱利安尼先生在早期投票的几个州也许不怎么样,但是他在共和党内的得票是最多的,虽然这个优势越来越小。
- In fact, Mr Giuliani can boast a solidly conservative record on all sorts of things that matter to the base. 事实上,但凡涉及基本问题,朱利亚尼的态度则是可圈可点,他一直持有坚决的保守立场。
- Finally, with Mr Giuliani out and Mr Huckabee fading (he camefourth in Florida)this is now a straight two-man fight. 最终的结果是,朱利安尼出局,赫卡比大势已去(他在佛罗里达初选中位居第四),党内竞选变成了罗姆尼和麦凯恩的二人对决。
- Unlike some of his rivals (Mr Giuliani embraced the plan; Mr Romney fudged), Mr McCain told Mr Crist to get stuffed. 和他的一些对手不同(朱利安尼先生赞同这个计划;罗姆尼先生不置可否),麦凯恩先生告诉克里斯特先生闭嘴。
- McCain is getting help from California Governor Arnold Scharzenegger and former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani. 在最后几天的竞选活动中,两党的一些著名的政治家都出来分别帮助两位候选人拉票。