- Its referendum produced a narrow vote in favour of the Maastricht treaty. 而它的公投显示,支持玛斯垂克条约的投票稍占优势。
- The Federal Reserve Act is much easier to change than the Maastricht treaty. 美联储法案比马斯垂克条约更容易变化。
- In order to join the euro a country must be a member of the European Union and be able to pass economic tests set out by the Maastricht Treaty. 只有欧盟的成员国在通过马斯特里赫特条约设定的经济测试后才有资格加入欧元区。
- In 1992 Denmark failed to ratify the Maastricht Treaty, but then did so in a second vote in 1993. 就如同就如同丹麦于1992年否决马斯垂克条约,但是于1993年第二次投票通过。
- In order to join the euro a country must be a member of the European Unionbe able to pass economic tests set out by the Maastricht Treaty. 只有欧盟的成员国在通过马斯特里赫特条约设定的经济测试后才有资格加入欧元区。
- Subsequently, through the instrument of the Maastricht Treaty signed on July 2, 1992, the EEC further evolved into today's European Union. 因此可以瞭解到欧盟所有最主要的机构都是由当时煤钢共同体的机构所演化而来。
- In order to join the euro a country must be a member of the European Union and be able to pa economic tests set out by the Maastricht Treaty. 只有欧盟的成员国在通过马斯特里赫特条约设定的经济测试后才有资格加入欧元区。
- After the Maastricht Treaty, the European integrationists proposed one integration bill after the other so that even the European currencies have virtually been unified. 马斯垂克条约后,欧洲统派推出一波一波的统合法案,连货币也近乎统一了。
- The Euriopean Union is the world's largest confederation of independent states, established under that name in 1992 by the Treaty on European Union (the Maastricht Treaty). 欧盟是世界上最大的独立国家邦联,在1992年透过欧洲联盟协议(马斯垂克协议)的名义下建立。然而,联盟的存在,在许多方面可以追朔到始于1951年一系列的先行关系。
- The restrictions on budget deficits and the ultra-conservative central bank set up by the Maastricht treaty are making it more difficult for Europe to counteract this recession. 限制预算赤字和极端保守的中央银行设立的马斯特里赫特条约是使欧洲更加难以对付这种衰退的罪魁。
- The rights of European citizens were further extended by the Maastricht treaty, so that today citizens of the Member states may travel, reside, work and carry out transactions in any country of the EU without hindrance and with full protection of the law. 马斯特里赫特条约进一步扩大了欧洲公民的权利,各成员国公民现在可以毫无阻拦地的在欧盟任何一国旅行、居
- As the Maastricht Treaty was gone into effect, the European Union (EU) has founded based on the European Community on November 1, 1993. At that time, the EU has begun to consider eastward expansion. 1993年11月1日《马斯特里赫特条约》生效、欧共体改为欧洲联盟,欧盟形成以后就开始考虑东扩。
- After the realization of Maastricht Treaty and Treaty of Amsterdam, it was the lead of the Val Duchesse being formally introduced into the European Union and became the source of bindings. 九0年代为欧洲社会对话机制发展之黄金时期,马斯垂克条约及阿姆斯特丹条约的生效,使得该机制正式纳入欧洲联盟之体制中,并取得法源依据。
- The treaty was concluded on equal terms. 在平等的基础上订立了条约。
- The treaty will be the threshold of lasting peace. 这个条约将成为持久和平的开端。
- There is a contentious clause in the treaty. 这条约中有一条有争议的条款。
- The treaty may be considered to be as dead as a doornail. 这项条约可以认为是完全作废了。
- The Government has signed a treaty with Moscow. 政府已与莫斯科签了一项条约。
- The treaty was the result of long negotiation. 这项条约是长时间谈判的结果。
- The treaty gave (a) fresh impetus to trade. 这条约使双方的贸易又推进了一步。