- MUC2粘蛋白MUC2
- 粘蛋白MUC2在结肠直肠癌中的表达与肿瘤的浸润深度、淋巴结转移和Dukes分期密切相关(P<0.05),而与肿瘤的分化程度无关(P>0.05)。mucin MUC2 expression was related to invasion, lymph node metastasis, and Dukes staging (P< 0.05), but unrelated to differentiation (P>0.05).
- 胃粘蛋白gastric mucin
- 玻璃体粘蛋白[医] vitreous humor mucin
- 粘蛋白2mucin 2 (MUC2)
- P粘蛋白P-glycoprotein
- 唾粘蛋白sialomucin
- 粘蛋白膜mucolemma
- 粘蛋白血mucinemia
- 尿粘蛋白uromucoid
- 粘蛋白癌Mucinous carcinoma
- 粘蛋白病mucinosis
- 腱粘蛋白tendomucoid
- 乳粘蛋白lactomucin
- 整粘蛋白lntegrin
- 粘蛋白5BMUCSB
- 粘蛋白类Mucins
- 韧粘蛋白tenascin
- 气道粘液层由水、子、分泌物、浆蛋白渗出液及粘蛋白组成。Airway mucus is composed of water, ions, lung secretions, serum protein transudates, and mucin glycoproteins( mucins).