- With my little eye, I saw him die. 用我小小的眼睛,我看见他的死。
- She eyed her husband distastefully. 她不满地瞟了她丈夫一眼。
- These little eye movements may also help expose a person's subliminal thoughts. 这种小幅的眼球运动也可能揭露了我们下意识的想法。
- I spy with my little eye...something that begins with the letter "D". 一只眼睛偷偷地瞧...那东西打头字母是“D”。
- Desmond eyed her anguished face with sympathy. 看着她痛苦的脸,德斯蒙德觉得理解。
- Her face was alert and lively, with a sharp chin and shrewd little eyes. 她的面孔显得机警而生气勃勃,下巴尖尖的,眼睛小而机灵。
- Less eye contact suggests distance in relation. 较少的眼神交流暗示在关系上的距离。
- Domino: So, what sharp little eyes you've got. 狄美乐:哗,你真有一对锋利的眼睛。
- His hard, shifty little eyes were disconcerting. 他的冷酷、鬼鬼祟祟的小眼睛真让人不安。
- And then her beady little eyes, so hot and sorrowful at the same time. 后来又是她那明亮的小眼睛,炽热而又充满悲哀。
- I'll put one right between dem beady little eyes. 白痴们一直往过冲;白痴们一直不停的死.
- She was afraid the men in the yard would eye her askance and so waited for them to leave before venturing out. 她怕院中那些男人们斜着眼看她,所以等他们都走净,才敢出屋门。
- The mouse seemed to wink with one of its little eyes. 那支耗子好象眨巴着一只小眼睛。
- He eyed her evilly. 他狠狠地看著她。
- I spy with my little eye, something beginning with (ah), got my back up and now she's screaming. 我用自己的小眼睛侦察,有些事情开始了,得到了我的支持,现在,她在尖叫着
- They stared at each other in speechless despair and eyed her questioningly. 在座的人面面相觑,大家带着询问和疑惑的眼光举目望她。
- "What has been happening to me?" Said the sad little eyes. “我怎么了?”忧伤的小眼睛问道。
- Well, it had beady little eyes and a long tail, and went like this. 咳,它长着圆亮的小眼睛和长尾巴,走起来就像这样。
- Do you often notice that many of us have little eye contact with strangers? Are we afraid of them? What keeps us from opening our hearts to strangers? 译文:你注意到我们当中的许多人很少与陌生人有眼光交流吗?是我们害怕他们吗?是什么阻止我们向陌生人敞开心扉?
- Auntie laughed derisively and her little eyes winked at a couple of women who had gathered around us. "And whom are you going to marry?" she asked. 二姨贼眉贼眼地笑了,还向围在我们周围的姑娘、婆姨眨了眨她那双不大的眼睛:“你要嫁谁呀?