- Lipschitz伪压缩映像Lipschitz pseudo-contractive mapping
- 具有带误差逼近的赋值伪压缩映像的公共不动点迭代序列Iterative Procedures with Errors Approximating the Common Fixed Point of Set-Valued Strongly Pseudo-Contractive Mappings
- 伪压缩映像pseudcontractive mapping
- 强伪压缩映像stong psendo-contraction
- 严格伪压缩映像strictly pseudocontractive mappings
- 映像image
- Lipschitz强伪压缩映射Lipschitz strongly pseudocontractive mappings
- 映像文件mapping file
- Lipschitz严格伪压缩映象Lipschitz strictly pseudocontractive mapping
- 具误差的渐进伪压缩映射不动点的迭代Fixed-point Iteration for Asymptotically Pseudocontractive Mappings with Error Member
- 图像,映像进入另一媒介中的文件里,对原有数据的完全复制An exact copy of data in a file transferred to another medium.
- Browder-Petryshyn型严格伪压缩映射strictly pseudocontractive mapping in Browder-Petryshyn
- 底片像一种映像,在里面物体的有光的部分显示出暗色,而阴暗的部位显示出光亮An image in which the light areas of the object rendered appear dark and the dark areas appear light.
- 伪压缩族公共不动点的复合隐格式迭代逼近问题Composite Implicit Iteration Process for Common Fixed Points of a Finite Family of Pseudocontractive Maps
- 气象仪将大气现象的映像,如云,投射到一个圆顶内侧的一种光学装置An optical device designed to project images of atmospheric phenomena, such as clouds, on the inside of a dome.
- 关于一种严格伪压缩映象Mann迭代序列的强收敛性The strong convergence of a modified Mann iteration for strictly pseudocontractive maps
- L-Lipschitz映像L-Lipschitzian mapping
- Banach空间中严格伪压缩映射隐迭代过程的收敛性Convergence of Implicit Iteration Process for Strictly Pseudocontractive Map in Banach Space
- 镜中的映像the reflection in a mirror
- 伪压缩映象pseudocontractive mapping