- Lawrence's view upon women 劳伦斯妇女观
- He taught me hold a thin handkerchief to view upon. 教我用手拍来看。
- The fourth is Piao Qijia"s view about "real poem". 第四是朴齐家关于“真诗”的主张。
- Do you really think Morgan ' s view is acceptable ? 你真的认为摩根的观点是可接受的吗?
- Lewis Coser, Men of Ideas: A Sociologist"s View. 尽管他们的遭遇、经历和社会实践与布迪厄不同,但就言行一致、我行我知而论,他们其实又何尝不能说都是属于同一群体的知识分子。
- Such action constitutes an aggression upon women's rights. 这种行为是对妇女权利的侵犯。
- Don't look down upon women, women can do as well as men. 不要小视女子,谁说女子不如男?
- I wish he'd stop trying to press his political views upon his students. 我希望他不要再设法强迫他的学生接受他的政治观点。
- Jane Austen’s view of life is a totally realistic one. 简.;奥斯汀对生活抱有完全的现实主义
- The effect upon women is to reduce their sense of being different from men. 对妇女的影响是,她们认为自己与男人有别的意识减少了。
- So today’s view of evolution is much more nuanced than his. 更令人印象深刻的是:他并不害怕把他的想法应用于人类范畴。
- Johnny has views upon a rich man's daughter. 强尼打算和一个富家千金结婚。
- Through an arrow loophole he commanded a view upon the farther side. 他从一个箭洞里可以观察到那边的动静。
- The spell of the primitive upon women is masterful up to the time of contact. 原人对女人施加的魔法一贯是独断专行的,不到女人俯首贴耳绝不罢休。
- Don't intrude your own views upon others. 不要把你自己的意见强加给别人!
- One 's views broaden at college. 人的视野在大学开阔了。
- This article discussed Willa Cather’s view of nature from two aspects. 本论文从两个方面对凯瑟的自然观进行了探讨。
- China's currency is “substantially undervalued” in the IMF's view. 购买力平价方法显示出货币从长远来看的价格。
- C#'s view is that nesting of classes is just a way to control lexical scoping. C%23认为类的嵌套只是一种控制词法作用域的途径。
- The boss of the company refused to employ Ms King because he looked down upon women. 公司老板拒绝雇用金女士,因为他轻视妇女。