- Kalman滤波估计Kalman filter estimation
- 检测与估计Bernoulli-Gaussian序列的Kalman滤波方法(英文)Detection-Oriented Kalman Filtering for Bernoulli-Gaussian Sequence
- 滤波估计Filter Estimation
- 无迹Kalman滤波unscented Kalman filter(UK.F)
- 序统计滤波估计检测海洋测深异常数据Order Statistics Filtering for Detecting Outliers in Depth Data Along a Sounding Line
- 多管火箭弹弹道参数卡尔曼滤波估计方法Kalman Filtrating and Estimating Method of Ballistic Parameters of Multiple-Tubed Rocket
- 二阶段Kalman滤波Two-stage Kalman filtering
- 电动汽车蓄电池荷电状态的卡尔曼滤波估计A Real-time the state of Charge of Storage Battery Estimation Based on the Kalman Filtering Theory for Electric Vehicle
- 核辐射脉冲幅度分析的基线卡尔曼滤波估计Baseline Kalman Filter Estimation Method for Nuclear Radiation Pulse Height Analysis
- 那里食道癌发病率估计相当高。There the incidence of the cancer of the esophagus was suspected to be pretty high.
- 分布式kalman滤波distributed kalman filtering
- 估计她成功的机会evaluate her chances of success
- 据我估计,百分之五的学生不能通过这次考试。By my calculation, 5%25 of the students will fail in the exam.
- 基于信道线性滤波估计的迭代解调及译码技术Linear filter iterative differential DPSK demodulation and decoding
- 为什么这些同志作出这种不妥当的估计呢?Why do these comrades make such an unsound appraisal?
- 错误地估计某人的力量to mistake someone's strength
- 联邦式kalman滤波federated kalman filtering
- 他们估计距离为5英里。They approximated the distance at five miles.
- 一类部分可观测“有用信号”的最佳递推滤波估计The Best Recursive Filtering Estimation of a Kind of Partially Measurable"Useful Signal"
- 迭代扩展Kalman滤波iterated extend Kalman filter