- Non-residential parking areas outside the two Controlled Areas. 在两类管制区以外,亦不属于宿舍停车场范围者。
- Closes any previously opened drop down control area. 关闭所有以前打开的下拉控件区域。
- A credit control area can include one or more company codes . 一个信贷控制范围下可以包含一个或多个公司代码。
- Can bus means controller area network bus. CAN总线即控制器局域网总线,特别适合于小型分布式测控系统。
- IHA、DGS-COPT and F-ELISA kit were used for examination of 1 085 serai samples in schistosomiasis controlled areas. 本文比较了IHA、DGS-COPT、快速elisa试剂盒在血吸虫病监测地区应用价值的研究.;共检测1085份血清
- The Control Area is equipped with the most extensive traffic control and surveillance system yet introduced in Hong Kong. 管制区装设了全港最广泛的交通管制及监察系统。
- In a bipolar transistor, the control area or the electrical connection to the control area. 在双极晶体管中,指控制区域或和控制区相连的导电连接。
- Over the long term, under Project 1012 -- named for the area's postcode -- the city plans to restrict prostitution to a few tightly controlled areas. 从长期来看,在“1012项目”下,该市计划将色情服务限制在一些严格控制的地区内。“1012项目”以该地区的邮政编码命名。
- Pre-treated fresh air is supplied to controlled areas via a terminal HEPA unit mounted on the ceiling of each GMP cleanroom. 通过安装在各个GMP洁净室天花板上的终端HEPA装置(高效微粒空气过滤器)向受控区域提供预先处理过的新鲜空气。
- Certificate of completion of the constructional improvements located within non-construction control areas. 六未实施建筑管理地区建物完工证明书。
- Over the last ten years, South Koreans have begun to gain access to the North, but only to tightly controlled areas like the Kumgang resort. 过去10年来,韩国人开始逐渐获准进入北韩,但是只是能够进入严格控制的地带,比如金刚山渡假地。
- To meet the requirements of maritime traffic safety, the competent authority shall fix and adjust traffic control areas and harbour anchorages. 主管机关根据海上交通安全的需要,确定、调整交通管制区和港口锚地。
- Strict security measures shall be established for the airport controlled area, and the area shall be of a closed type and controlled separately. 第十二条机场控制区应当有严密的安全保卫措施,实行封闭式分区管理。
- Click. This event is fired by the control whenever the mouse is clicked within the control area. 每当在该控件区域内单击鼠标时,该控件就会激发此事件。
- Standard Settings The credit control area 0001 is defined in the SAP standard system. 标准的SAP系统中已预设了一个代码为0001的信用控制区。
- These were the Sumerians, and around 3000 BC they began to form large city-states in southern Mesopotamia that controlled areas of several hundred square miles. 这些人就是苏美尔人/闪族,大约在公元前3000年,他们开始在美索不达米亚地区形成他们大型的城邦并控制了周围数百平方英里的土地。
- Protests last year broke out both in tightly controlled areas and in parts ruled less aggressively, and in relatively affluent districts as well as poorer regions. 去年的抗议事件的发生地既有严格控制的地区,也有统治稍微松缓的地方,既有相对富裕的地区,也有相对贫困的地区。
- It is not possible to assign a company code to more than one control control area. 一个公司代码不能分配一个以上的信贷控制范围。
- Smoke and dust control area is extending year by year, and noise in urban area is controlled below 56.6 DB, meeting the national standard. 烟尘控制区逐年扩大,市区区域环境噪声等效声级56.;6分贝,达到国家规定的控制目标。
- Construction control areas: the scope of protection sideline as the baseline from east to west north and south outside the extended 50 meters. 建设控制地带:以保护范围边线为基线,东西南北各外扩50米。