- Son is a junior high school student. 他们的儿子是一位初中生。
- She is a junior high school student. 她是个国中生。
- A correlational study of Taiwanese elementary and junior high school students. 提早於幼兒階段學習英文與後續英文、國文成就與能力相關研究。教育部。
- The immaturity of junior high school students ? self-consciousness leads to the teacher抯 emphasis on developing the student抯 subjective initiative. 初中学生主体性处于不成熟状态特点决定了教师在教学中应重视促进学生主体性的发展。
- Junior high school students second culture and life suitability also exit relevantly. 拾、国民中学青少年次级文化与生活适应之间有相关存在。
- Methods 71 junior high school students were investigated by the Chinese Revision of EMBU and AAT. 方法用父母教养方式评价量表(EMBU)、学习适应性测验(AAT)对71名初一流动人口子女进行了调查。
- My father is the undertaker of a factory and my mother is a housewife.My sister is a university school student, while my younger sisters and brothers are junior high school students. 父亲是一家工厂的负责人,母亲是家庭主妇,大姊在念大学,其他的弟妹们都还在国中就读。
- The delegation of Okayama, city of Japan, will visit Hsinchu City from July 25 to August 4. It includes 2 chaperons and 8 junior high school students. 日本冈山姊妹市2006年青少年海外派遣住宿家庭访问团将于95.;07
- A recent survey conducted by the Department of Health (DOH) showed that one out of every four junior high school students is currently overweight. 最近一项由英国卫生部的调查显示:每四个初中生中有一个是超重的。
- The study tried to discuss the fear of school victimization 、interpersonal trust、behavior strategies of Junior high School Students. 本研究以国中学生的被害恐惧感来探讨是否会影响其人际信任及其所采行为策略;
- However, both the positively and negatively worded test versions had no prediction of the criterion for junior high school students. 反向题本反而比正向题本更能有效地预测国小生在学成绩(效标)。
- The study has shown that phonological awareness plays a vital role in junior high school students' reading and pronunciation accuracy. 本项研究显示出音韵觉识在国中学生的阅读与发音准确度扮演著极其重要的角色。
- Conclusion Internet dependence and addiction disorder in junior high school students possesses psychological problems, and is affected by biparental education patterns. 结论网络依赖及成瘾初中生父母教养方式存在一定问题,他们的孩子存在一些心理问题。
- The subjects were all junior high school students in Taipei City.By using the probability proportionate to size sampling method, 1438 of valid samples were collected. 研究对象为就读于台北市公立国中的全体学生,以比率机率抽样法来进行抽样,最后取得有效样本为1438人。
- The purpose of this study was to investigate the exercise behavior of Taipei junior high school students and the correlation through application the Transtheoretical Model (TTM). 摘要本研究目的在于了解台北市国中生运动行为之现况并探讨跨理论模式中的变项与国中生运动行为之关系。
- After describing the present condition of the home life style of primary and junior high school students, the writer analyze the reason and put forward counterplan and suggestion. 在整体对中小学生家庭生活方式现状进行描述以后,分析原因并提出教育引导的对策和建议。
- Boys and junior high, vocational high school students who were administered with web SAQ were more likely to report substance use and life events than those with paper SAQ. 此外,填写网路版问卷的男性及国中、高职学生对于物质使用与生活事件的陈报率都比填写纸笔版问卷的学生较高。
- Gillies, R. M. (2004). The effects of cooperative learning on junior high school students during small group learing. Learning and Instruction, 14(2), 197-213. 许崇献(2002)。影响合作学习成效的因素;建构性活动、真实的学习情境与团体组成方式。国立政治大学学报,84,203-26。
- The purpose of this research was to examine the relationships among instrumentality, goal orientations, and academic achievement of junior high school students. 摘要本研究旨在探讨国中学生工具性动机、目标导向与学业成就之相关。
- I can't remember quarreling with him in junior high school. 我不记得国中时和他吵过架。