- Ji Kang' s philosophy 嵇康哲学
- The Zhengshi poetry is mainly Ji Kang and the Ruan Ji"s poetry. 第二部分:正始诗歌的迁逝主题。
- The theory of realm of human spirit is the most attractive part of Ji Kang's philosophy. 摘要关于人的精神境界的论述是嵇康哲学中最具魅力的一部分。
- It is denoted by the different experience of Ruan Ji and Ji Kang. 阮籍、嵇康的不同遭遇,可说正是其注脚。
- This article analyses Ji Kang's ontology on musical aesthetics thought. 文章分析了嵇康音乐美学的本体论思想。
- My father' s philosophy is to work hard and be kind to others. 我父亲的处世哲学是:努力工作,与人为善。
- New Studies on the Philosophy of Ji Kang 嵇康哲学新论
- Because "Tao" is "Nothingness", so Laozi s philosophy is no... 有“无”为哲学基础,老子的哲学充满了无限的自由。
- English: Ji Kang Zi ask:"How can we instil respect, loyalty and motivation in the people? 季康子问:“如何可使民众敬其上,忠其上,并肯加倍努力呀?”
- Ji Kang criticized Confucian musical aesthetics and brought forward the theory of music without joys and sorrows. 嵇康在批判儒家的音乐美学本体论的基础之上提出了“声无哀乐论”。
- IGO's philosophy is to have students gain practical knowledge during study. IGO的宗旨是使学生在学习的过程中获得实践的知识。
- Throughout history, philosophers and artists such as Confucius, Cai Yong and Ji Kang were all masters of the instrument. 历史上许多著名的思想家、艺术家,如孔子、蔡邕、嵇康都以弹琴名世。
- Abstract: Ruan Ji, the famous litterateur, ideologist, in the same position to Ji Kang in the history of Wei and Jin Dynasties, is one of “Seven Hermits in the Bamboo Grove”. 摘要:阮籍是魏晋之际著名的文学家、思想家,与嵇康齐名,为“竹林七贤”之一。
- Ji Kang's thought of music esthetics has had an important impact on the study of history of ancient Chinese music for its novelty, originality and uniqueness. 摘要嵇康音乐美学思想在中国古代音乐美学史上新颖、独到,具有重要影响,但其思想观点既存在道家音乐思想的不可知性,又存在儒家音乐思想的可知性;
- And then, I will show how Chen, Barker and Andersen to use Barsalou’s frame theory to explain Kuhn’s philosophy. 然后说明陈向等人如何使用框架理论诠释孔恩的科学哲学。
- As the heroes of rebellion, Yossarian and Orr’s experiences are interpretations of Camus’s philosophy. 作为“反抗荒谬”的“英雄们”,约塞连、奥尔以其经历实践并证实了加缪的哲学思想。
- A New Study of the Philosophy of Ji Kang and Ruan Ji 嵇康阮籍哲学新论
- Yet, without her being aware of it, HPB's philosophy was imbued with the spirit of the age. 然而,她并没有意识到,她的哲学充满时代精神。
- Kiyama realized that Lu Xun’s philosophy has his own unique features besides Nietzschean decisiveness. 自我与他人都被罪感所缠绕,于是只能陷于苦难的大泽。
- Chapter one ,the author summarize the relationship between Ricoeur’s philosophy and the problem of temporality. 尤其重要的是,作者还提出了他的关于“时间诠释学”之新见解。