- Java小应用程序特性Java Applet properties
- 用JAVA小应用程序实现正则表达式下字符串的查找Search Character Strings Under The Regular Expression With A Small Application Program Of JAVA
- 然而,能给出这些功能的Java小应用程序尚未问世。However,the Java applets that will deliver the functionality don't exist yet.
- 更重要的是,ActiveX(和Java小应用程序)能够增加页面中客户机/服务器应用程序的功能。More importantly,ActiveX (and Java applets) can add the capabilities of client/server applications in the page itself.
- 这只是可以用传统断言语言表示的程序特性类型的简短列表所有程序员都希望在代码中包含的特性This is just a short list of the types of program properties that can be expressed in a traditional assertion language - properties that any programmer would like in code
- 服务器"XX"中的Java小应用程序或JavaScript脚本对您的计算机或网络提出了不寻常的访问权限。A Java applet or JavaScript script on the server "XX " is requesting unusual access to your computer or network.
- Java小程序java applet
- 小应用程序applet
- 可以启用网格的应用程序的特性Application characteristics for grid enablement
- 最小应用系统minimum application system
- 内嵌小应用程序inline applets
- 第二个需要考虑的因素是应用程序的动态特性。The second consideration is the dynamic characteristics of the application.
- 专用小应用程序applet-specific
- 其中的每一个特性都极大地简化了客户机应用程序开发过程。Each of these features greatly simplifies the client application development process.
- 定制小应用程序设定customizing applet settings
- Java应用程序Java application
- 产品特性:采用模块设计,可任意改变有效行程,可带计数信号输出、任意调塑速、抗结冰、声音小、振动小应用特性:可作间歇定量供给Applicable for module design, changing effective stroke and adjusting speed randomly, output with counting signal, good freeze-proof, low noise and little vibration Application Characteristics: fixed quantity supply with intermittent
- 讨论智能客户端应用程序的优点及Windows窗体编程的主要特性。Discusses the advantages of smart-client applications and the main features of Windows Forms programming.
- 动画小应用程序animation applet