- Here, Moose, the Jack Russell terrier who plays Eddie on the hit T. 文章版权归文章原始作者所有。
- Other popular breeds that come in different types include Labrador Retrievers, Cocker Spaniels, Jack Russell Terriers, Pomeranians, and many more. 还有一些大众喜爱的犬种也有不同的类型之分,包括拉不拉多犬,可卡,杰克拉赛尔、博美等。
- Six: Sometimes you need to be a Golden Retriever, but sometimes you need to be a Jack Russell Terrier. 六、有时你需要做金毛猎犬,可有时你还需要当杰克罗斯犬。
- But with a bit of luck and timing, the Jack Russell terrier was home Wednesday, none the worse for wear. Ditto his owner. 凭着一点幸运和恰逢合适的时机,这只杰克罗赛尔小狗周三回了家,没有任何伤痛,它的主人亦是如此。
- Two of The Duchess's Jack Russell terriers, Tosca and Rosie, accompanied her to the opening of the Bowood Dog Show in July 2006. 公爵夫人现在是布鲁克动物医院的总裁;对全世界的马匹和毛驴都进行免费的手艺治疗;同时给它们的主人如何照顾它们的建议.
- Freddie the Jack Russell is thrilling visitors to a farm by showing off his horse riding skills on Daisy, a Shetland Pony. 一只名叫弗雷迪的杰克罗素梗令来到当地一家农场的游客们都感到兴奋不已,因为它会向人们展示自己的拿手好戏马术,而它的...
- The pug, a Jack Russell terrier, and a West Highland were recently confiscated from a Rome pet shop as part of an investigation conducted by the Italian forestry service. 作为意大利林务局进行的调查中一部分,这只哈巴狗,一只杰克罗塞尔猎犬和一个西高地犬最近在罗马一家宠物店被没收。
- Jack was assigned to the assembly shop of the factory. 杰克被分配到厂里的装配间工作。
- One trip for their Jack Russell terrier in a plane's cargo hold was enough to convince Alysa Binder and Dan Wiesel that owners needed a better option to get their pets from one city to another. 阿丽莎?宾德和她的丈夫丹?威斯尔曾经让他们的杰克罗素梗在飞机的货舱里待过一次,这次不愉快的经历让他们认为宠物需要更好的运送方式。
- I am longing to see my friend Jack again. 我渴望再见到我的朋友杰克。
- He has no intention to jack up the plan. 他没有放弃这个计划的意思。
- The fire cracker went off and scared Jack's dog. 爆竹爆炸声把杰克的狗吓了一跳。
- Do you think Jack could bite in his secret want? 你以为杰克能忍住不说出他藏在心里的欲望吗?
- Jack and Mary are cut out for each other. 杰克和玛丽真是天造地设的一对。
- Jack was fired twice but both times taken back. 杰克曾两次被解雇,但两次都被允许回去工作。
- The firecracker went off and scared Jack's dog. 爆竹响了,吓了杰克的狗一跳。
- Jack planted himself in front of the fire. 杰克站在炉火前一动也不动。
- Jack went zooming past in his new car. 杰克驾驶他的新汽车呼啸而过。
- Jack and Jill tumbled down the hill. 杰无和吉尔从山上滚下来了。
- Jack run the street after the death of his parents. 杰克在他父母死后成了流浪儿。