- JSZF-10G1型电压互感器JSZF-10G1 voltage transformer
- 阻容分压型电压互感器的性能分析Characteristic Anlaysis of Resistive-Capacitive Divider Voltage Transformer
- 本型电压互感器为全封闭结构。一、二次绕组及铁芯均浇注在环氧树脂内,绝缘性能优良,耐潮湿。The voltage transformer is fully enclosed structure. The primary and secondary windings and iron core are insulated by epoxy resin. It has a good ability of insulation and moisture proof.
- 本型电压互感器为外铁芯半封闭结构。一、二次绕组均浇注在环氧树脂内,绝缘性能优良,耐潮湿。The voltage transformer is outside iron core and semi enclosed.The primary and secondary windings are insulated by epoxy resin. It has a good ability of insulation and moisture proof.
- 基于基波正序计算方法的串联型电压调节器Study on Series Voltage Regulator Based on New Fundamental-Positive Sequence Calculation Method
- 比较分析了JCCl-66型和JCC5-66型电压互感器的励磁特性。The magnetization characteristics of JCC1-66and JCC5-66type potentia l transformers are ana-lyzed.
- 光电压互感器VTO
- 电压互感器极性TV transformer polarity
- 在应用JSZBF型抗铁磁谐振电压互感器中需注意的问题Problems in Application of JSZBF Type Anti-Ferromagnetic Res-Onance Voltage Transformer
- 零序电压互感器Zero sequence voltage transformer
- 电压互感器断线circuit brokening of potential transformer
- 电压互感器的变比Transformation ratio of a voltage transformer
- 10kV电压互感器10kV voltage transformer
- 35kV电压互感器35kV voltage transformer
- 光纤电压互感器optical fiber voltage transformer
- 光学电压互感器optical voltage transformer
- 电子电压互感器Electronic voltage transformer
- 电磁式电压互感器electromagnetic voltage transformer
- 标准电流电压互感器Standard Current and Voltage Transformer
- 电压互感器(PT)potential transformator(PT)