- Iwane Tatsuo 岩根达雄(1919-),日本人,经济学教授。
- It is known that Ta iwan belongs to China. 众所周知台湾是中国的。
- The majolica tiles of the iwan were among the most glorious I've seen anywhere. 书页空白处,作者和读者在辩论,书在做调停。她父亲的书似乎都承载着巨大的责任。
- In the next bed, eight-year-old Iwan Syahrizal stares blankly at the ceiling. 与阿齐兹临床的,是一名8岁的男孩,名叫伊万。
- Iwan Davies, Effective Retention of Title [ M ].Fourmat Publishing 1991. 沈达明.;法国/德国担保法[M]
- Tatsuo Horita ,a banker from Japan ,is visiting with an officer of the Bank of England . 来自日本的银行家堀田达夫正在与英格兰银行的一位高级职员闲谈,
- Listing Iwane Matsui as a class A war criminal is appropriate, and there is no question of “injustice. 松井石根列名甲级战犯确有所当,并无“冤枉”可言。
- Mr. Tatsuo Yamashita, the new General Manager of Business Department No.4, has moved here from our Purchasing Division. 我们相信上述的组织变更将有助于我们在各个方面更好地为客户服务.
- The position of the Chinese government on a questien&ssp;of Tm iwan has always been consistent. 中国政府在台湾问题上的立场是一贯的,即坚持“和平统一、一国两制”的基本方针。
- Japanese commander of the Central China Area Army under the command of Matsui, Iwane of the Nanjing region burning prostitution ransacking heart. 日军在华中方面军司令官松井石根指挥下,在南京地区烧杀淫掠无所不为。
- Iwan, 40, has been selling noodles on the streets of Jakarta for more than 10 years. 大米和其他基本食品价格的飙升在很多亚洲国家都引发了安全上的关注。
- And so an unlikely alliance was formed between Farmer Smith and the economists Oriana Bandiera, Iwan Barankay and Imran Rasul. 就这样,农场主史密斯与三位经济学家之间建立了一项看似不可能的合作。
- Iwan, a waiter who was working at a Ritz-Carlton restaurant where one bomb was reportedly detonated , survived unharmed. 伊万是丽思卡尔顿酒店餐厅的一名服务生。爆炸发生时他正在工作。
- Architecture photographer Iwan Baan just shared with us a photo set of the latest Herzog & de Meuron building in Spain, the Espacio de las Artes at Santa Cruz, Tenerife. 照片显示的是赫佐格与德莫隆近期的作品,位于西班牙的圣克鲁斯艺术博物馆。
- Iwan, 40, has been selling noodles on the streets of Jakarta for more than 10 years. Although poor, he has been able to take care of his family with this small business. 40岁的伊万10多年来一直在雅加达的街头出售面条。尽管贫穷,他的这个小生意使他能够养活一家人。
- Japanese scholars Oda Tatsuo, Isoba Akira and Nakano Miyoko, etc. have made some pioneering research on who finalized the manuscript of Journey to the West and whether the novel was related to the teachings and Taoist priests of Quanzhen. 摘要日本学者太田辰夫、矶部彰和中野美代子等,在探求《西游记》定稿人与全真教教义及其道士的关系方面,进行了许多开拓性的研究。
- Tatsuo Mori, an engineering and computer science professor at Nagoya University, said some hurdles remained, including making the display bigger, ensuring durability and cutting costs. 名古屋(日本本州岛中南岸港市)大学的工程和计算机科学教授说,当前仍然有一些困难需要克服,包括把显示器尺寸做得更大,保证耐用性和降低成本。
- But, with the soaring rise in the price of basic food staples such as cooking oil, rice and soybeans, Iwan is no longer able to make a profit and fears soon he will not be able to feed his family. 但是,随着食用油、大米和大豆这些基本的主食价格的飙升,伊万现在没钱可赚。他担心很快他就不能给家人提供糊口的东西了。
- ... n g kong ph i lippin e s hkie ies iem seags issmge ta iwan sing a p ore ... 注意事项 1) 若 书籍需以邮寄方式送达,每本 ... 为期在未来能有更多 的稿源及维持良好的 论 文 ...
- H.-P., Cheng, R.-Y, Jou, F-Z, Chen, Y-W, Chang, Matsumi Iwane, and Takashi Hanaoka, 1999, 周荣源,陈峰志,郑鸿斌,张郁雯,1998,"半导体制造设备用真空帮浦技术",机械月刊,第