- Is It Too Late to Stop the Warming? 阻止全球气候变暖为时已晚吗?
- It's Too Late To Stop Now 罢手已晚
- We've got to stop him now, before it's too late. 必须现在制止他,不然就太晚了。
- Now the building has been started, it is too late to back off. 现在大楼已开始动工,要放弃行动为时已晚。
- It is too late to make any dissent. 现在提出异议太晚了。
- It's too late to change your mind now; so there is no point in shedding tears. 你现在改变主意已经太迟了,所以为此而伤心落泪是毫无用处的。
- He was too late to stop them from seeing the bruise, faded to yellow. 他是太晚而无法阻止他们见到瘀伤, 已褪色的到黄色。
- He supposed it was too late to catch the9:30 train. 他想赶9点30分的车已来不及了。
- It is too late to change the decision now. 现在要改变那决定已太晚了。
- It's too late to go to the party. I give you that. 现在去参加聚会是太迟了。我承认你对。
- It's too late to do anything about it now. 现在进行任何补救都为时太晚。
- It's too late to put them off now. 现在已来不及取消与他们的安排了。
- Is it too late to stop a river of blood from flowing between the British and Italian peoples? 制止在英、意两国人民之间造成血流成河的局面,是否为时已晚呢?
- Flee, before it's too late! 逃走吧!否则就太迟啦!
- Arriving too late to stop the abduction, Section 9 must use all its resources to track down the missing businessman. 罪犯使用了和被称为“笑面男”事件发端的六年前的诱拐事件完全相同的手法,事件惊动了警视厅,9课的成员也为了逮捕笑面男出动了。
- It's too late to back out (of the deal) now. 现在要(在这笔交易)打退堂鼓为时已晚.
- They bellowed at her to stop but it was too late. 他们吼叫着让她停下,但太晚了。
- It's a little too late to butter me up now! 现在拍我马屁太迟了!
- And now it's just too late to wish her back again. 可惜,一切都太晚了。只能不断地祈祷她能回来。
- Anyone who has worked with him knows that he never fusses over petty conventions and is always resolute. Once he makes his mind, it is too late to stop him. 和他共事过的人都知道他绝(从)不拘泥小节,一向果断。他一(一旦他)下定决心,要阻止他已经太迟了。(就没有什么能挡住他了。)