- There were altogether 3,875 authorized measurement inspection institutions,which enforced compulsory inspection on 22.12 million measuring instruments. 全国共有法定计量技术机构3875个,全年强制检定计量器具2212万台件。
- There were altogether 4,770 authorized measurement inspection institutions,which enforced compulsory inspection on 31.05 million measuring instruments in 2002. 全国共有法定计量技术机构4770个,全年强制检定计量器具3105万台件。
- For those places where special fiber inspection institutions are located, the said inspection institutions shall supervise the quality of hemp fibers within their jurisdictions. 设有专业纤维检验机构的地方,由专业纤维检验机构在其管辖范围内对麻类纤维质量实施监督;
- There were altogether 4,770 authorized measurement inspection institutions, which enforced compulsory inspection on 31.05 million measuring instruments in 2002. 全国共有法定计量技术机构4770个,全年强制检定计量器具3105万台件。
- The drug inspection institutions as determined by the State Food and Drug Administration shall take charge of the port inspection of imported medicinal materials. 国家食品药品监督管理局确定的药品检验机构负责进口药材的口岸检验工作。
- For large or complicated government procurements, the quality inspection institutions acknowledged by the state shall be invited to participation in the checking and acceptance. 大型或者复杂的政府采购项目,应当邀请国家认可的质量检测机构参加验收工作。
- Materials Inspection Institute Of Shengli Oilfield Company Ltd. SINOPEC. 中国石化胜利油田有限公司物资检验所。
- If necessary, SIQSAQ may accredit other inspection institutions to undertake the pre-inspections for a partial quantity of used mechanical and electrical products to be imported, and exercise supervision and administration over such institutions. 根据需要,可以认可其他检验机构承担部分进口旧机电产品的装运前预检验,并对其实施监督管理。
- The inspection institution and inspectors shall issue inspection reports objectively, justly and timely. 检验机构和检验人员应当客观、公正、及时地出具检验报告。
- The case used in this treatise is the OAS of a quality inspection institute on special equipments in Hubei. 本文给出的实例是湖北省某特种设备质检机构的办公自动化系统。
- For preliminary processing of cashmere, the enterprise shall have cashmere combing machines qualified by a fabric inspection institution. 对羊绒进行初加工,必须有经纤检机构检验合格的羊绒分梳机器。
- If the circumstances are serious, the certificate of qualification of the inspection institution which has unlawfully collected inspection fees shall be revoked. 对违法收取检验费用情节严重的药品检验机构,撤销其检验资格。
- Shall we go down to the question of inspection? 我们谈一下商品检验问题好吗?
- Keep on the alert; we're due for an inspection. 提防着点,轮到检查我们了。
- We were drawn up for the inspection. 我们排好队接受检阅。
- The central competent authority will stipulate the eligibility, requirements, fee schedule, and responsibilities of the inspection institution referred to in the second paragraph of this Article. 第二项代行检查机构,其资格、条件、收费标准及所负责任,由中央主管机关另定之。
- We aren't nearly ready for the inspection. 对检查一事,我们还远未准备好。
- Institutions of government are established by law or precedent. 行政制度是依据法律兴惯例制定的。
- Our political institutions are in continuous evolution. 我们的政治制度正在不断发展中。
- The five-day week is now usual in institutions of higher learning. 每周上五天课在高等学府已很普遍。