- IDS评测IDS evaluation
- 基于DFA的多级IDS安全性评测Multi-Level IDS Security Evaluation Based on DFA
- IDSIDS (intrusion detection system)
- 功能分析:对自闭症和智力落后儿童问题行为的评测及治疗Functional Analysis: Assessing and Treating Problem Behaviors in Children with Autism and Mental Retardation
- IDS评估IDS evaluation
- 行为评测action estimation
- IDS检测IDS test
- 分析评测analyze
- 自动评测automatic evaluation and test
- 综合评测comprehensive evaluation
- IDS模型设计IDS model design
- 心理评测psychological assessment
- IDS抽样分析IDS sampling analysis
- 性能评测performance evaluation
- 脱碘酶(IDs)deiodinases (IDs)
- 效率评测efficiency
- 影响图(IDs)Influence Diagrams (IDs)
- 节能评测energy-saving evaluation
- 入侵检测(IDS)Intrusion Detection System(IDS)