- How come I wasn' t told ? 我怎么没有听说?
- How come I still see dog in Sausalito?? 岚岸是不准养狗的。
- Derrick: How come I don't have a say in the matter? 亚特:那我怎麽没有半点置喙的馀地?
- I'm so angry about the exam! How come I failed? 这次考试太令我气愤了!我怎么能不及格呢?
- Hauh??? How come I can't see it............ "妳看到官网放的新影片麽??"
- How come I am so miserable? When does my brother stop biting me? 我怎麽这麽命苦咧?到底何时弟弟才会停止咬我?
- How come I'm stuck dicing when he gets to ball a melon? |为什么我得切丁 他却可以挖香瓜球呢?
- Certainly Lego whap very bad, how come I won't fight back after he whaps me? 当然,乐高一定是那个巴不好的,怎麽可能他巴我我会很愉快呢?
- How came I can stay at bedchamber ? 我怎么能呆再寝室不去学习呢?
- How come I wasn't told? 我怎么没有听说?
- At first I wasn' t interested in English. 开始时我对英语不感兴趣。
- I wasn' t serious ; I only did it for fun. 我不是当真的,我只不过是闹着玩。
- If I am getting a free ride, how come I am so tired when I go home at the end of a shift? 如果我是免费乘车的话,我上完一次班回家后怎么会那么累呢?
- If I am getting a free ride, how come I am so tired when I got home at the end of a shift? 如果我只拿钱不干活儿,我下班回家后怎么会那么累?
- I dut hv enough time to love myself so how come I hv any spare minute to care about other ppl? 我连爱我自己的时间都不够,怎么会有空余的时间去想别人?
- I wasn’t about to be seen hoofing it in abject surrender. 我不愿人们看见我因向山坡投降而卑躬屈膝地步行上去。
- She is such amazing girl, how come i took Masha' comments so easily and thought she was arrogant before. 其实帮人是件快乐的事情,可是如果事情搞成这样子,我心里多少还是不舒服。
- I wasn’t doing him any favors by depriving him of billable hours. 如果我不让他干活减少了他挣钱的工作时间,并不是真正的帮他。
- I can' t tell one twin from the other. 我分不出双胞胎中谁是谁.