- Hofield神经网络算法Hopfield neural network algorithm
- 离散Hofield神经网络discrete hopfield-type neural network
- 该查看器显示使用Microsoft神经网络算法生成的挖掘模型。This viewer displays mining models that are built with the Microsoft Neural Network algorithm.
- 神经网络算法neural network algorithm
- 基于神经网络算法的工程技术人员综合评价方法的应用研究Application Research of Synthetic Evaluation Methods of Engineers Technology Based on NNA
- 基于Kalman滤波的人工神经网络算法及在矿物机械活化中的应用Artificial Neural Network Algorithm Based on Kalman Filter and It's Application in the Mechanical Activation of Minerals
- 详细说明:不错的自组织神经网络算法,程序有注释。能运行,效果还行。Good self-organizing neural network algorithm, the procedure Notes. Can run, the results were OK.
- Microsoft神经网络算法通过构建多层感知器网络来创建分类和回归挖掘模型。The Microsoft Neural Network algorithm creates classification and regression mining models by constructing a multilayer perceptron network of neurons.
- 神经网络BP算法BP algorithm of neural network
- 均场退火神经网络算法实现多用户检测Implementation of Multi-user Detection Using Field Annealing NN Algorithm
- 神经网络覆盖算法covering algorithm for constructing neural networks
- 神经网络代数算法neural network algebra algorithm
- 神经网络并行算法neural network parallel algorithm
- 神经网络修剪算法neural network pruning
- 神经网络和遗传算法artificial neural network and genetic algorithms
- 分层神经网络分类算法Hierachical Neural Network Classification Algorithm
- 大型BP神经网络学习算法Learning algorithm of large BP neural networks
- BP神经网络学习算法研究Studies on Learning Algorithms for BP Net
- BP算法神经网络仿真模型BP neural network
- 人工神经网络-遗传算法系统artificial neural network-genetic algorithm system