- His reputation was blighted by his bad behavior. 他的名誉为他的行为不检所毁。
- His reputation was clouded. 他的名誉受到损害。
- He felt that his reputation was slurred by a paper. 他感到他的名誉受到某一报刊的诋毁。
- His reputation was bespattered by malicious gossip. 他的声誉遭到恶意中伤的诋毁。
- His reputation was blemished by that article. 他的名声被那篇文章玷污了。
- His reputation was tinted by the scandal. 他的名声被丑闻沾污了。
- His reputation was tainted by the scandal. 那一丑闻玷污了他的名声。
- His reputation was blemished by a newspaper article alleging he'd evaded his taxes. 由於报上一篇文章声称他曾逃税,他的名誉受到损害。
- His reputation was blemished by a newspaper article alleging he had taken bribes. 报纸上一篇文章说他受贿,他的声誉因此受到玷污。
- He wanted the anonymity of suburban life where his reputation was not known. 他希望在他的盛名鲜为人知的郊区过一种隐姓埋名的生活。
- Round 1900 his repute was still untarnished. 在1900年前后他的名声仍很响亮。
- But his reputation was in tatters, and he struggled with financial problems. 但是他已经声名狼藉,并且被财政问题困扰。
- His reputation be blemish by a newspaper article allege he 'd evade his taxes. 由于报上一篇文章声称他曾逃税,他的名誉受到损害。
- His reputation was blemishedby a newspaper article alleging he had taken bribes. 报纸上一篇文章说他受贿,他的声誉因此受到玷污。
- But his reputation was intacted in tatters, and struggle he struggled with financial problems. 但是他的名声一落千丈,而且他还遭遇了经济问题。
- But his reputation was made, and from that day his name spread through every camp in Alaska. 不过他已名声大振,从那天起,他的名字,传遍了阿拉斯加的每一个营地。
- His brain was clouded by vapours and dreams. 他的脑子里充满空想和梦幻。
- His face was clouded with anger. 他怒容满面。
- His reputation was considered irreparably damaged, his image mocked and his name an automatic punchline. 大家认为他的名声已经受到了不可弥补的破坏,他的外表饱受嘲笑,他的名字也成了笑柄。
- Her eyes were clouded with tears. 泪水使她双眼变得模糊起来。