- His coffin is mazarine. 他的棺材是深蓝色的。
- In the Red Squre,where Lenin spoke so often to his comrades,teaching explaining leading them forward to new battes against difficulties, his coffin is laid on the raised platform. 在列宁多次向他同伴演说并带领他的同伴与困难做新的斗争的红色广场他的灵柩被安放在广场突出的平台上面。
- He lays awake in his coffin and smiles to me. 他已经醒了,躺在棺材里对我微微笑。
- His coffin was laid to rest in a deep grave. 他的灵柩安放在深深的墓穴中。
- At the end of the road, the coffin is carried to the village. 在最后的路程,棺材是抬进村子的。
- Every time he drinks wine,he drives a nail in his coffin. 他每喝一次酒,就等于加速死亡一步。
- His coffin was placed in a special white marble cemetery. 他的棺木摆在特制的白色大理石陵寝里。
- Every time he drinks wine, he drives a nail in his coffin. 他每喝一次酒,就等于加速死亡一步。
- She stood next to his coffin and put the white rose on it. 她站在棺材旁将白色的鲜花放在上面。
- Tut had been affixed to his coffin by resins used in the embalming process. 图坦被防腐处理时使用的树脂粘在棺材上。
- The mourner stand in silent tributes as the coffin is laid to rest. 灵柩下葬时,送葬者默立致哀。
- She wondered if he would emerge from his coffin at night as a vampire. 琼怀疑他晚上会不会像个吸血鬼似的从棺材里冒出来。
- when his coffin is covered all discussion about him can be settled; only when a person is dead can he be finally judged and assessed 盖棺论定
- He looked, in the act of opening the door, like a corpse adjusting his coffin lid. 他开门的动作就象一具死尸在移动棺材盖。
- When his coffin is covered all discussion about him can be settled;only when a person is dead can he be finally judged and assessed 盖棺论定
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- When one's coffin is covered, all discussion about him can be settled. 盖棺论定。
- His interest in photography is only a passing fad. 他对摄影的爱好仅是一时的兴致。
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。
- Without embarrassment,I covered his coffin with the largest,reddest roses I could find. 没有一丝窘迫,我用自己能找到的最大最红的玫瑰盖满他的灵柩。