- Higuchi方程Higuchi Equation
- 释放分割法体外评价释放特征符合Higuchi方程的缓释制剂药物动力学The Release-Division method: a novel in vitro pharmacokinetic evaluation method for the sustained release dosage forms with a release profile characterized by the Higuchi equation
- 用优化的处方 ,工艺制备的三批卡托普利缓释片体外释放良好 ,符合 Higuchi方程 ,持续释药 12 h以上Three bates of Cap sustained release tablets prepared according to this optimal formulation and technology conform to Higuchi equation and the drug can be sustainedly released over 12 h in vitro .
- 初步考察了AMSA-SLN的体外释药过程,释放曲线经拟合后符合Higuchi方程,药物释放初期有突释现象,随后药物呈现持续而缓慢的释放。The quality of the AMSA-SLN suspension was evaluated before and after freeze-drying.
- Higuchi模型Higuchi
- 蒸气压方程vapor pressure equation
- 麦克斯韦(电磁)场方程(式)Maxwell field equations
- 次数多项式或多项式方程中变量的幂的最大数The greatest sum of the exponents of the variables in a term of a polynomial or polynomial equation.
- 高次代数方程求根finding roots of polynomial equation
- 初等常微分方程elementary ordinary differential equation
- 声呐方程sonar equations
- 数学方程原理the theory of equations in mathematics
- WZ方程WZ equation
- 方程解solution of equation
- KdV方程KdV equation
- N-S方程N-S equations
- BBM方程BBM equation
- KP方程KP equation
- FPK方程FPK equation
- DGH方程DGH equation