- He wept his dead brother. 他为亡兄哭泣。
- He gave effect to his dead brother's wishes by having his buried properly. 他合适地安葬了他的哥哥,实现了他的愿望。
- He swore to revenge for his dead brother as a young boy. 在他还是一个小男孩的时候,他就发誓要为他死去的哥哥报仇。
- David was pretty shaken up when he saw his dead brother. 戴维看到死去了的弟弟时,惊得目瞪口呆。
- Paul's father only saw him as a substitute for his dead brother. 保罗的父亲只是把他当作他死去的哥哥来看待。
- Ben plans a robber to pay off the debt that his dead brother owed to a local mobster. 班被债主迫得走投无路,决定与几名友人爆窃银行。
- A bounty hunter protects his dead brother's pregnant wife in a lawless world after a comet devastates much of the planet. 不期而至的彗星几乎摧毁了整个地球,人们面临疾病的威胁,只有找到病元抗体,才能拯救全人类。
- He revenged his dead brother. 他为亡兄报了仇。
- He wept and laughed as his humour moved him. 他因情绪波动而又哭又笑。
- He did not bestow one thought on his dead father. 他想都没有想过,他过世的父亲。
- He saw the apparition of his dead wife. 他看见了亡妻的幽灵。
- He wanted to save his dead brother's name from dishonour without obliging either his nephew or himself to part with a sou. 他要挽回亡弟的名誉,可无须他或他的侄儿花一个钱。
- He wept a few crocodile tears over his wife's death and then go married again at once. 他假惺惺地为妻子的死掉了几滴眼泪,然后,很快又结婚了。
- Her magnanimity provoked his tears; he wept wildly. 她的宽宏大量惹起他的眼泪,他发狂地哭着。
- He thought of his dead brothers and blamed them that they had not worked harder and achieved more land. 他想到他死去的哥哥们,并且责怪他们不曾工作得更勤奋,获得更多的土地。
- The news of his friend’s death unmanned him and he wept. 他的朋友逝世的消息使他难以自持而哭了起来。
- He said in several of his writings that the dualistic2 stresses imposed upon him, that of living both as himself, and his dead brother, caused in him a particular obsession with decay and putrefaction3. 他在几篇文字中提到,施加在他身上的双重压力,即既要做自己,又要当死去的哥哥,让他产生了对衰败和腐烂的特别痴迷。
- He built a chapel as a shrine to the memory of his dead wife. 他建了一座小教堂作为悼念亡妻的圣所。
- He wept when he heard the sad news. 听到这不幸的消息,他哭了。
- After he wept with sadness and guilt, his anger spent. 伤心歉疚地哭过之后,他的怒气也消了。