- He stood humped with pain. 他痛得弓起了身子。
- He stood in front of the shop with arms akimbo. 他两手叉腰,站在铺子前。
- He stood with his feet planted wide apart. 他两脚叉开很大距离站著。
- He stood with his hands on his hips. 他两手叉腰站立著。
- He stood there watching with puzzled despair. 他束手无策地站在那儿看着。
- He stood with bowed head at the funeral. 在葬礼上他低下头站着。
- The little boy cried out with pain when he burnt his fingers. 小男孩手指被烧着时,痛得大叫起来。
- He stood there with his hands in his pockets. 他站在那里,双手插在口袋里。
- He stood there with his hands on his hips. 他两手叉腰站在那里。
- The boy was screaming with pain. 这男孩痛得尖叫起来。
- He bellowed with pain when the tooth was pulled out. 牙被拔掉时,他疼得大叫。
- He stood aghast on hearing the news. 他听到这消息吓呆了。
- Her face contorted/was contorted with pain. 她的脸因疼痛而走了样。
- The boy was angry with his parents. He stood aloof from them. 这孩子生他爸妈的气了,离他们远远的。
- The man suddenly shouted with pain. 这人突然痛得叫了起来。
- The sick child shouted with pain. 那病童痛得叫了起来。
- Urged on by his colleagues, he stood for election. 他受到同事的鼓励而参加竞选。
- Her face was contorted with pain. 她痛得脸都变了样。
- He stood outside the house before going in. 他在进去之前曾站立在那屋子的外边。
- He cried with pain when he fell down on the ground. 他摔到地上时痛得直叫。