- Harmonicas have sweet sounds. 口琴的声音很悦耳。
- The song the little girl sang by fits was of a strangely sweet sound. 小女孩断断续续唱出的这首歌异常优美。
- We have sweet, meat and fruit-stuffed moon cakes. 我们的月饼分甜的、鲜肉和水果馅的。
- Do you ever have sweet and sour spareribs? 你有没有吃过糖醋排骨?
- I'd like to have sweet and sour spareribs. 你要吃啊一种中国菜?
- Do you ever have sweet &sour spareribs? 你有没有吃过糖醋排骨?
- Dad never learned to coax sweet sounds from his violin. 爸爸从未学会从他那小提琴上拨出来甜美的声音。
- You will have sweet time putting that machine together again. [口]要把那部机器装配成原样是很费工夫的。
- With the sweet sound of their singing they beckon to you for me. 她要用那甜蜜歌声诉说我的爱情。
- It is easier to make plastic combs than it is to make wooden ones. That is why low cost harmonicas have plastic combs. 木质琴格的制造工艺要比塑质琴格复杂,制作工序多。这也是为什么木质口琴的价格稍高的原因。
- We have sweet cereal for the kids, that's very unhealthy. 给小孩吃的一般都是甜麦片,很不健康的食物。
- A trickling sweet sound of reading in the gentle breeze! 和风里传来书声朗朗!看!
- The tea has sweet taste and lingering rose aroma. 由于其外观金玉交错般富丽堂皇,故名“金玉满堂”。
- Additionally whole book still deserves to have sweet camphorwood bookcase. 另外全书还配有香樟木书箱。
- These little wind-bells strike against each other, giving off a sweet sound. 这几个小风铃互相碰击,发出悦耳的声音。
- The child likes to have sweets within their reach. 这小孩喜欢把糖果放在他伸手可及的地方。
- Their oars did not again dip until the last of the sweet sounds had actually died among the remarkable shores. 直到优美的歌声完全消失在遥远的湖岸,他们才拿起船桨。
- Drawn wells have sweetest water. 常汲井中水最甜,脑越用越灵。
- A variety of cultivated cherry having sweet, juicy fruit. 牛心形樱桃培育出来的大而甜的多种樱桃,多汁水果
- The clear sweet sound floated out over the trees and down into the misty, early morning valley. 清脆悦耳的笛声从长笛飘出,飘到树上,飘进清晨雾霭迷蒙的山谷。