- Gu Wen Shang Shu 古文尚书
- Yu xia lie tong ben: Shang shu jin wen er shi ba pian jie / Yang Zhongtai zhuan. 与下列同本:尚书今文二十八篇解/杨钟泰撰.
- Then, there was the subtleness of Wen Shang Bao Jong in the air.Seattle is still home. 自责的母亲,也容易很自然地把传统检视的角度与压力感染给自己的下一代。
- Shang Shu respect as a result, the statements of the four victims of politics, when committed bogey, begging as a last resort to the village. 因直言上疏,陈述时政四大害,触犯时忌,不得已乞归乡里。
- Qidan defend meritorious, thanks ADPL planning chaos hero, plus calibrationbing bu shang shu right Takeo command of God, are knownbing ma shi . 捍契丹有功,赐协谋定乱功臣,加检校兵部尚书右神武郎指挥,都知兵马使。
- Huang Shang Chi for a landmark encyclical, the Zhengde 2008 (1513) legislation, one for the Shang Shu Li Bu Li Dongyang essays in mind, Ching Tak 10 years (1515) legislation. 一为皇上敕谕碑,明正德八年(1513)立;一为吏部尚书李东阳撰记,正德十年(1515)立。
- Legends, customsdao guang nian jian a summer homebing bu shang shu qi xie algaesheng qin specially requested light procession to the emperor's homeland Shouyang Katayama summer. 传说,清道光年间某夏,兵部尚书祁隽藻回乡省亲,特地请道光皇帝起驾到家乡寿阳的方山避暑。
- In light of the Lotus-Pool School, this paper studies the verse of learning fashion and the ethos of literati, and the formation of the Gu Wen (ancient prose) circle around Wu Ru-lun. 摘要清代河北一地古文兴盛得力于张裕钊、吴汝纶的倡导,贺涛潜心于古文教育也使得北学中的古文之学有了显著发展,此一现象都是以莲池书院为中心而展开的。
- Official branches in the south are: Han Privy Council, when the A Baoji called "Secretary-child", other Zhongshu Sheng, Shang Shu Province, subglottic Province, Yu Shitai, Hanlin Yuan, and so on. 南面官中的分支机构有:汉人枢密院,阿保机的时候叫“汉儿司”,其他有中书省、尚书省、门下省、御史台、翰林院等。
- notes and commentary on Shang Shu 尚书笺注
- Exactly. “Gu lou gua wen” means ignorant. 大牛:没错儿。“孤陋寡闻”指知识贫乏。
- Series Xizang xue wen xian cong shu bie ji. 西藏学文献丛书别辑.
- Motivation and Nature of the Faith in Deities in the Yin Period--on the centennial anniversary of the finding of Jia Gu Wen 殷代神灵信仰的动因与实质述论--写在甲骨文发现一百周年之际
- Is that Mr. Clark? This is Liu Wen speaking. 是克拉克先生吗?我是刘文。
- Series Shenzhou xi lie (Xianggang wen hua yi shu chu ban she) ; 14. 神州系列(香港文化艺术出版社);14.
- Series Shenzhou xi lie (Xianggang wen hua yi shu chu ban she) ; 15. 神州系列(香港文化艺术出版社);15.
- Series Zhongguo dang dai wen hua shu xi. Da xue sheng du ben. 中囯当代文化书系.;大学生读本
- Gu Bei Shang Dao Coffee Shop renders you a fashinable and graceful environment. 古北咖啡店为您塑造一个时尚典雅的氛围。
- ba gu wen 八股文
- Jia Gu Wen 甲骨文