- Golomb码Golomb code
- 码yard
- 乱码messy code
- Golomb-Rice码golomb-rice coder
- 源码source code
- Golomb算法Golomb algorithm
- Golomb编码Golomb code
- 验证码identifying code
- Exp-Golomb编码Exp-Golomb coding
- 注册码poll code
- 码表stopwatch
- 均码one-size-fits-all
- 激活码active coding
- 本文介绍了Exp-Golomb、CAVLC和CABAC的编码过程,并基于目前最新JM10.2 程序,对CAVLC和CABAC在编码性能上作了比较。The thesis presents Exp-Golomb. CAVLC and CABAC in detail, and based on the newest program JM10.2, the comparison between CAVLC and CABAC for coding efficiency is also presented.
- 码率code rate
- 码字numeral
- 掩码mask
- 子网掩码subnet mask
- 码数code number
- 校验码check code