- Gold序列码Gold
- Gold序列Gold sequence
- GOLD序列发生器GOLD sequence generator
- 码yard
- M序列码M Serial Code
- 序列码sequence code
- 根据直接序列扩频码分多址(DS?CDMA)系统多址干扰形成原理,着重分析了m序列、Gold序列、Walsh序列及其正交性。Based on the interference resulting from DS?CDMA system, this paper emphatically analyses m sequence, Gold sequence, Walsh sequence and their respective correlation.
- 密钥序列码CKSN Cipher Key Sequence Number
- 乱码messy code
- 平衡Gold序列balance Gold sequence
- 源码source code
- 反正到处都是gold.and gold on the table
- 注册码poll code
- gold 一词以字母 g 开头。'Gold' begins with (a) G/'G'.
- 采用正交Gold序列的TDD-SS-CDMA无绳电话系统性能Performances of TDD-SS-CDMA cordless Telephone System Using Orthogonal Gold Sequences
- 码表stopwatch
- 他发现porridge里面有一只gold ring.It is his gold ring!
- 均码one-size-fits-all
- 时间序列temporal series
- 激活码active coding