- Godel蕴涵算子Godel implication operator
- Godel蕴涵算子的导出算子G3the derived operator G3 of Godel implication operator
- 蕴涵算子implication operator
- 蕴涵算子族family of implication operator
- Godel语言Godel
- 蕴涵算子Lpimplication operator Lp
- NMp蕴涵算子implication operator NMp
- 蕴涵contain
- 发现这种不可证明性的是奥地利数学天才库尔特·高戴尔(Kurt Godel),不幸的是他在晚年发了疯。Their unprovability was discovered by an Austrian mathematical genius called Kurt Godel, who unfortunately went insane toward the end of his life.
- 蕴涵算子Rpimplication operator Rp
- Luk蕴涵算子Lukasiewicsz implication operator
- δ算子δ-operator
- "或非" 算子NOR operator
- 蕴涵图implication diagram
- 谱算子spectral operator
- 蕴涵代数implication algebras
- 流形上的偏微分算子partial differential operator on manifold
- 蕴涵式implications
- M-生长算子M-accretive operator
- 蕴涵项implicant