- Godel不完全性定理Godel's Incompleteness Theorem
- 哥德尔不完全性定理明确揭示和证明自己把握“真”的能力限度。G?del Incompleteness Theorem definitely reveals and proves the ability limit for oneself to master "truth".
- 哥德尔不完全性定理Gödel incompleteness theorem
- 哥德尔第一不完全性定理Godel First Incompleteness Theorem
- 不完全性定理incompleteness theorem
- 哥德尔第二不完全性定理Godel Secnd Incompleteness Theorem
- 癌瘤不完全性切除后病人长期缓解或治愈的现象也并不少见。Prolonged remission or cure of patients following incomplete removal of their cancers is not uncommon.
- 完全性定理completeness theorem
- 哥德尔完全性定理[计] Godel completeness theorem
- 男性脊柱骨折合并不完全性脊髓损伤患者性功能障碍分析Sexual dysfunction in men with spinal fractures complicated by incomplete paraparesis
- 侧前路减压节段固定治疗胸腰椎爆裂性骨折伴不完全性瘫痪Thoracolumbar vertebra burst fractures complicated with incomplete paraplegia treated with anterolateral decompression and thoracolumbar anterior short segment fixation
- 不完全性连锁partial sex-linkage
- 不完全性瘫痪incomplete paralysis
- 摘要目的总结我院老年不完全性肠梗阻非手术治疗的效果,以更好地指导治疗。Objective To summerize some results of non-operative therapy on senile incomplete intestinal obstruction in our hospital.
- 不完全性唇裂Unilateral cleft lip
- 超限不完全性transfinite incompleteness
- 不完全性穿入incomplete penetration
- 不完全性错位Incomplete transposition
- 不完全性骨折incomplete fracture
- 不完全性失活incomplete inactivation