- Global financial tsunami triggered by the stock market nosedive, all at one time the market panic selling. 金融海啸触发环球股市暴泻,各个市场一度出现恐慌性抛售。
- China market also rose on optimism that they are the first to recover from the global financial tsunami. 中国市场的乐观情绪也上升,在他们是首先从全球金融海啸中恢复。
- The sudden global financial tsunami Xijuan Macao has so recently suffered from the impact of the Macau gaming industry hard. 突如其来的全球金融海啸已经袭卷澳门,令近期饱受冲击的澳门博彩业再遭重创。
- Another earthshaking incident in 2008, as we all know, was the outburst of the global financial tsunami in the fourth quarter. 在2008年发生的另一件世界大事,众所周知,就是在第四季爆发的全球金融海啸。
- The impact of global financial tsunami, we are lagging behind their own policies and services are a huge potential capacity of China's auto market this year, going down to. 全球金融海啸的冲击、我们自身落后的政策和配套服务,都是潜在容量巨大的中国汽车市场从今年起走向下坡路的原因。
- The out of control in U.S. financial system and regulation has caused the global financial tsunami and recession, will definitely result in the need to over-haul its financial system and regulation. 美国金融系统和条例失去控制造成全球性的金融海啸和衰退,明确地导致需要全面检讨它的金融体系和章程。
- Global Financial Tsunami 全球金融海啸
- Layoff will likely escalate resulting in surge in unemployment worldwide because of the financial tsunami and global sharp economic downturn. 裁员可能升级导致全世界失业上升,由于金融海啸和全球经济急剧衰退。
- The Global Financial Crisis--Where are we Now? 全球金融风暴走远了吗?
- Meeting, the rock of the view that financial tsunami actually mean what? 会议上,金岩石认为,金融海啸实际上意味着什么呢?
- These enterprises also suffer the most in the Financial Tsunami of 2008. 在这次的金融海啸(2008)当中,受创最深的也是这些中小企业。
- Asian property market slump worsens on the global financial and credit tsunami which severely hit residential, commercial and office real estate markets. 亚洲房地产市场暴跌恶化在全球性金融和信贷海啸严厉地冲击住宅、商业和办公室不动产市场上。
- Now the world is suffering the financial tsunami,and the Late Sto... 阅读疗法的研究者和实践者,应该对斯多亚哲学给予足够的关注。
- One major reason was the increasingly open global financial market system. 其中一个主要原因,是全球的金融市场体系日渐开放。
- The other day Chelsea on to resist this financial Tsunami, took the lead to send out the remanufacture signal. 日前切尔西就为了抵御这场金融海啸,率先发出了改制的讯号。
- The financial tsunami triggered by the Lehman Brothers left no market unscratched. 雷曼兄弟引发的金融海啸,没有一个市场可以丝毫无损。
- This time, facing the financial Tsunami which wreaks havoc, the US lives at industry also faced with the challenge. 此时,面对肆虐的金融海啸,美国家居业也正在面临挑战。”
- In the global financial market, Hong Kong is No. 3 after New York and London. 在全球融市场,香港排在纽约和伦敦之后,雄居第三。
- There was almost no place to hide from such financial tsunami except USD, US and Japanese treasuries. 在这金融海啸下,除美元、美国和日本债券外,差不多无处可避。
- Now it looks like something analogous has hit the global financial markets. 现在看来似乎某些类似的东西已碰击了全球金融市场。