- Gibson大变形固结理论Gibson's finite-strain consolidation theory
- 软土路基大变形固结随机有限元分析Large Deformation Consolidation Stochastic Finite Element Analyse of Soft-clay Road Embankment
- 大变形固结Large strain consolidation
- 软粘土地基非线性一维大变形固结的有限差分法分析One-dimensional Non-linear Large Deformation Consolidation Analysis of Soft Clay Foundation by FDM
- 饱和土体单向固结理论与应用研究--饱和多孔介质流固耦合渗流数学模型之应用Study on Uniaxial Consolidation Theory and Its Application in Saturated Soils--An Application of Mathematical Models for Hydro-mechanical Coupling in Saturated Porous Media
- 土体固结理论consolidation theory of soil
- 金属切削加工热弹塑性大变形有限元理论及关键技术研究A Study of Thermo-elastic-plastic Large-deformation Finite Element Theory and Key Techniques of Metal Cutting Simulation
- 李群变换求解一维非线性有限变形固结问题An analytical approach to one-dimensional finite strain non-linear consolidation by Lie group transformation
- 7075铝合金在多向大变形锻造和退火中细晶粒结构的演变Evolution of Fine Grained Structure in 7075 Aluminum Alloy during Hot Forging and Annealing
- 纽结理论theory of knots
- 胀大变形expanding distortion
- 太沙基固结理论Terzaghi's consolidation theory
- 空中爆炸冲击波作用下薄壁铝球壳体大变形响应的实验研究Investigation on the Dynamic Displacement Response of Thin Spherical Aluminium Shell Under Blasting Shock Loading of Explosive Charge
- 固结地层consolidating stratum
- 弹性大变形elastic large deflection
- 粘土被烘即行固结。Clay binds when it is heated.
- 大变形分析large .deformation
- 固结土样consolidation soil sample
- 大变形问题large deformation problem
- 固结历史consolidation state