- The germination rate of old seed was lower. 陈种子的发芽率较低。
- It was found that germination rate was high in the dew on tea leaf surface. 担孢子在茶叶面露水中萌发率最高。
- Influence of Different Treatments on Seed Germination Rates of Potamogeton pectinatus L. 种子萌发率的影响。
- The germination rate of "Venus seedless" embryos was efficiently promoted through beak cutting of the ovule. 喙切可以大大提高金星无核胚珠的萌发率。
- The SES showed higher germination potentiality and germination rate by 8.8% and 9.8% as against the EBS. 结果表明:SES发芽势、发芽率分别比EBS高8.;8%25和9
- Similarly, The field germination rate of former specie was 68.7%, significantly higher than latter specie (36.3%). 秃叶黄皮树种子的田间发芽率为68.;7%25,极显著高于黄檗的36
- Similar and higher germination rates and evener seed emergence were found under different storage temperatures and durations. 不同的贮藏温度和贮藏时间,其发芽速度相近,且发芽速度快、整齐度高。
- Soy sauce koji needs not only more spores and higher germination rate, but also prevention on undesired microbes. 种曲除了要求孢子多、发芽率高之外,更重要的是应控制杂菌。
- The results are as follows: the fruit length had obvious effect on germination rate. 试验结果表明:不同果长的桤木种子发芽率差异显著;
- The germination rates, germination indexes and vigor indexes of the 8 accessions decreased with the increase of complex-salts concentration. 8份材料的种子在萌发过程中随着复盐浓度的增大,种子的发芽率、发芽指数和活力指数均有明显降低的趋势。
- The germination rate was enhanced obviously as the moisture content of each potting media increased. 出苗率随着各盆栽基质水分含量增加得到明显提高。
- Salinity and temperature had significant effect on the germination rate of cowpea seed. 温度、盐浓度对豇豆种子的萌发有极显著的影响。
- In this paper,the difference of germination rate and seedling percentage of 21 cultivars was systematically studied. 系统研究了21个葡萄品种实生种子的萌芽率和成苗率的差异。
- Effects of uranium tailing gangue on seed germination rate of rice and CAT activity in rice seedlings were studied. 利用室内培养法研究了铀尾矿对水稻种子萌发率及幼苗过氧化氢酶的影响。
- The results showed that the germination rate can be remarkably improved by phytohormones and stratification. 结果表明:植物激素浸种后里于室外层积处理可极显著地提高珊瑚朴种子的发芽率;
- The inhibition mechanism experiment indicates that it cause the decrease of spore germination rate and the abnormal hyphal growth. 抑菌机制试验表明:它可造成孢子萌发率降低、丝生长形态异常。
- Therefore, the germination rate of artificially aged seeds can be used correlation as an indicator for the prediction of seed vigor of Chinese kale. 经加速老化芥蓝种子发芽率与田间出苗率的相关程度最高,提供了老化法通过发芽率预测芥蓝种子活力的应用前景。
- The results show that the non?aged seed has a higher vigor than the aged seed was low. The results corresponded to the germination rate in the field. 结果表明,这几种方法所得结果基本一致,即经人工老化种子活力低,而未经人工老化的种子活力高。
- BTW 4 1 was difficult to use inorganic nitrogen for growth, however its spore germination rate was high in solution containing peptone and yeast juice. BTW41对无机氮源的利用不好 ,在蛋白胨、酵母汁中的萌发率极高。
- The germination rate of Potentilla fragarioides L.was lower under all conditions,but it was significantly increased under light conditions. 莓叶萎陵菜的萌发率在所有条件下均较低,但光照下可显著提高。