- The study yielded 48 different genetic variations, or polymorphisms, on 35 different genes that encode proteins involved in blood pressure regulation. 此研究在35种编码血压调节作用蛋白的基因中发现了48种基因变异,或叫做多态性。
- The genetic variations of seedling traits among open-pollinated families of plus trees of Betula luminfera H. Winkl. 光皮桦优良单株自由授粉子代苗期性状的遗传变异。
- These genetic variations truly removed by bulldozers and shovels were not architectural but cultural awareness. 真正能够拆掉这些变异基因建筑不是靠推土机和铁锹,而是文化的觉悟。
- Genetic variations between populations and individuals of Masson pine in Fujian Province. 福建省马尾松群体和个体遗传变异的研究.
- Genetic variations of clonal traits and estimation of gamete pool composition in a clonal seed orchard of Pinus tabulaeformis. 油松种子园无性系性状变异与配子贡献研究。
- Evolution resulting from a succession of relatively small genetic variations that often cause the formation of new subspecies. 微进化由一系列相对较小通常能产生新的亚科的基因变异引起的进化
- The problem addressed in the commentaries is that these diseases were expected to be promoted by genetic variations that are common in the population. 评论中涉及的问题是人群中常见的基因变异认为会促进这些疾病的进展。
- Small mutations including single nucleotide substitutions,small insertions,and small deletions,are the major portion in genetic variations. 在基因突变中,小突变较大突变发生率要高。
- Plasmon PCR-RFLP technology can therefore be used to detect both interspecific and intraspecific genetic variations in Kengyilia. 因此,利用细胞质基因组PCR-RFLP标记不仅可检测到仲彬草属种间多态性,也可检测到种内多态性。
- This thesis is composed of two parts: (1) Intraspecific genetic variations and quality assessment of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. 本论文包括以下两部分研究内容:(1)乌拉尔甘草的遗传多样性及品质评价;(2)槲寄生抗氧化活性成分研究。
- Genetic variations emerge in the progenies produced from the selfed fruits of the scion when different species of plant are grafted. 当对不同种类的植物嫁接时,接穗果实产生的子代中出现了可遗传变异。
- Like a bar-code reader, an optoelectronic device would determine which groups lit up and would thus mark genetic variations. 另外有一台光电装置,作用就像读取条码的机器,可以确定发亮的碱基对是哪一种,由此找出基因的变异。
- Genetic variations of growth traits, wood basic density and tracheid length of Chinese fir clones were investigated in this paper. 摘要对杉木无性系生长性状、木材基本密度和管胞长度的遗传变异进行了研究。
- Small mutations including single nucleotide substitutions, small insertions, and small deletions, are the major portion in genetic variations. 摘要在基因突变中,小突变较大突变发生率要高。
- Three research teams have independently discovered a set of genetic variations that increase the risk of lung cancer and may also make smokers more addicted to nicotine. 三个研究小组各自独立地发现了一组基因变异,这种变异会增加患肺癌的风险,也许还会使吸烟者对尼古丁更加上瘾。
- The genetic variations and polymorphisms of six microsatellite loci were analyzed to determine the population structure and breeding progress of BMY and Brahman cattle. 对6个牛微卫星座位的遗传变异及多态性分析,以期了解BMY牛和婆罗门牛的群体遗传结构与育成情况。
- And as researchers learn how genetic variations can affect responses to drugs, knowing a patient's genomic profile could help a physician choose the best treatment. 此外,身体对治疗药物的反应会受变异基因的影响,研究人员了解它们的关系之后,医师只要掌握了病人的基因组特徵,就能选择最佳的疗法。
- Genetic variations that change the expression of CHI3L1 can influence key processes dependent on CHI3L1 levels, knocking out portions of the AKT-mediated signal pathway. 基因变异导致CHI3L1的表达变化可以影响依赖于CHI3L1水平的关键过程,导致部分敲除AKT介导的信号通路。
- Such samples maximize the genetic variation among groups. 因为这种样本会将人群间的遗传差异放大到最大的程度。
- What Extent Are Genetic Variation and Personal Health Linked? 个人健康在多大程度上和遗传变异相关?