- Gan Mao Tong Pian 感冒通片
- Unilateral more incidence of lower limb, foot and leg initial cold, afraid of the cold, numb, intermittent claudication, pain, muscle atrophy began to emerge, Gan Mao peeling and serious ulcers can occur or gangrene. 以单侧下肢发病较多,起始足部和小腿发凉,怕冷,麻木,间歇跛行,疼痛,逐渐出现肌肉萎缩,汗毛脱落,严重者可发生溃疡或坏疽。
- MATHODS: Constitute Gan Mao Re Du Qing oral liquid preparation,set up quality standard and the method for clinical application.RESULTS:A preparation is obtained with stabile property. 方法:制定感冒热毒清口服液制备工艺、质量标准、临床使用方法。
- New York City's Third Avenue is full of gin mills. 纽约市第3大街上小酒吧林立。
- Studies on Separation and Determination of Four Components in Fu Fang Gan Mao Ling Tablets by RP?HPLC RP-HPLC测定复方感冒灵片中四种成分的研究
- Chairman Mao is our great leader. 毛主席是我们的伟大领袖。
- I'd like a gin and orange please. 请来一杯橙汁杜松子酒。
- They sank a bottle of gin between them. 他们俩喝了一瓶杜松子酒。
- A gin is a machine to separate seeds from cotton. 轧棉机是把棉籽从棉花里分离出来的机器。
- Whisky, brandy, gin and rum are all spirits. 威士忌、 白兰地、 杜松子酒、 朗姆酒都是烈酒。
- Yu xia lie tong ben: Shang shu jin wen er shi ba pian jie / Yang Zhongtai zhuan. 与下列同本:尚书今文二十八篇解/杨钟泰撰.
- Sang Ju Gan Mao Granule 桑菊感冒颗粒剂
- Xu, Jielin. Taiwan shi ji. : Riben zhi min tong zhi pian / Xu Jielin bian zhu. Taibei Shi : Wen ying tang, [2007]-. 许介麟.;台湾史记
- Chairman Mao wrote "In Memory of Norman Bethune" at the end of1939. 1939年底,毛主席写下了《纪念白求恩》一文。
- Your name has tong resounded in my ears. 久闻大名,如雷贯耳。
- Tai gui le, neng pian yi dian ma? 太贵了,能便宜点吗?
- No matter how carefuIIy you pIan. 无论你计划的有多仔细。
- Gin is usually drunk with tonic water or fruit juice. 杜松子酒通常与碳酸奎宁水或果汁一起喝。
- Only Pian I know exactly what you're saying. 我完全知道你说的是什么。
- Shop Lue:pian ground red iron wood floors. 地面铺略偏红的铁木地板。