- GPS地面监控系统GPS ground monitoring system
- 地面监控系统GCS
- 编程在煤矿大型地面监控系统中的应用Application of Visual Basic Writing Program in Large- scale Ground Control System of Coal Mine
- GPS伪星定位测量技术与GPS地面沉降网的改善--以上海地区为例GPS Pseudolites Positioning and Improvement of GPS network in Land Subsidence--For a case of Shanghai
- 航模驱鸟设备地面监控系统人机界面的实现The Implementation of Man-machine Interface in Telemeter and Telecontrol Base Station of Model Airplane Equipment for Anti-bird
- 城市地铁高精度GPS地面测控网施测技术Ground Surveying Technology of City Subway High Precision GPS Control Network
- 地面监控Ground monitoring
- 地面surface
- 在GPS地面车辆导航系统中,需要将GPS接收机收到的数据在电子地图中实时地显示出来。In ground vehicle navigation system with GPS,it is necessary that data in GPS receivers be displayed on the digital road map in real time.
- 基于GPS的自来水管网监控系统Tap Water Pipe Net Monitor System Based on GPS
- 空中和地面移动设备的相控雷达;军备控制系统;空中和地面监控系统;航空交通管制雷达设备。Products to be displayed: Phased array radars for air and ground mobile complexes: armament control systems; air and ground monitoring systems; air traffic control radar complexes.
- 远程移动监控系统中GPS信息的获取Obtaining GPS Data in Remote Mobile Monitor System
- 大坝安全自动监控系统automatic monitoring system for dam safety
- UPS监控系统UPS supervision system
- 自监控系统self-monitoring system
- 非监控系统unmonitored control system
- ARS监控系统ARS monitoring system
- 电子监控系统Electronic monitoring and control system
- 机组监控系统Supervision system of hydroelectric generating set
- 厂级监控系统Supervisory Information System