- GATT和WTO规则the GATT and WTO rule
- GATT/WTO“非违法之诉”研究Research on Non-violation Complaints in GATT/WTO
- WTOWorld Trade Organization (WTO)
- gatt 1994项下的所有例外均应酌情适用于本协定的规定。All exceptions under GATT 1994 shall apply, as appropriate, to the provisions of this Agreement.
- WTO法WTO law
- WTO原则WTO roles
- GATT第15条GATT Art. XV
- WTO协定WTO agreement
- GATT/WTO协定GATT/WTO agreements
- WTO知识knowledge of WTO
- 期望保证原产地规则不使各成员在GATT 1994项下的权利丧失或减损;Desiring to ensure that rules of origin do not nullify or impair the rights of Members under GATT 1994;
- 非WTO法Non-WTO law
- 他认为,此种政策符合gatt 1994第16条和《SCM协定》的相关附件。Such a policy, in his view, was consistent with Article XVI of the GATT 1994 and relevant Annexes of the SCM Agreement.
- 加入WTO后我国医疗服务市场的再分配及医学人才培养对策The redistribution of the medical service market after China entering WTO and the countermeasures of training medical talents
- 这些成员要求中国重申,所有此类国内税费将符合gatt 1994的要求。Those members requested that China reaffirm that all such internal taxes and charges would be in conformity with the requirements of the GATT 1994.
- WTO专家组WTO panel
- gatt和WTO的区别在哪里?What's the difference between GATT and WTO?
- WTO后时代post- WTO era